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Recent content by ClaireEmily

  1. ClaireEmily

    Advice needed of dwarf bunny

    Hey He does move around but normally to make sure his back is againt a wall =/ then he normally just stays there! He does eat but at the moment only fresh food ( especially carrots) he wont eat the dry stuff the others eat!!! Ive brought him in to keep a eye on him!! was thinking could be...
  2. ClaireEmily

    Advice needed of dwarf bunny

    Hey I got a dwarf Bunny a few weeks ago now and am not entirely sure if its well or not! It's very lethargic once you have hold of him he doesn't tend to move ( even if you leave him on the floor) Suppose im used to my loops being stinkers and running round like crazy! And he might just be a...
  3. ClaireEmily

    Help!! Male rabbits!

    Yeah thanks i think i will do that! The piggle has had a big enough shock today, i feel for the poor thing! I'm gonna nip to the shops now to get a indoor hutch! And ive booked the rabbits in the vets tomorrow just to double check that there ok for the procedure, i'm really worried after what...
  4. ClaireEmily

    Help!! Male rabbits!

    Hey Hey there Im in abit of a situation with my bunnys!After discovering Domino was infact male and having him seperated for a few weeks ( until i was payed so i could get him spayed) ive just discovered the black one is also Male, now i have one cross guinpig who has been picked on so to...
  5. ClaireEmily

    Some piccies of my little monsters!

    :wave:Hey :wave: Thank you all for such a great welcome! And it's lovely, even a tadd strange to meet another Claire Emily :lol: The pics of the other rabbits that where posted are lovely, looks like your little monsters keep you a busy bee :)
  6. ClaireEmily


    Both of my bunnys are " lickers" Normally after a cuddle they will lick my arm or the side of my face! It's so cute :)
  7. ClaireEmily

    Hello =)

    Cheers :D Might need the luck there turning out to be cheeky little things lol :lol:
  8. ClaireEmily

    Hello =)

    Hey :wave: Im new on here and just wanted to say hello to everyone! I came on here to meet fellow bunny lovers and hopefully get a few tips and advice :) I have two bunny's called Domino and Licks! ( Licks name used to be vadar but after getting to know the bunny licks seems more sutible...