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Recent content by CinnamonsMom

  1. C


    I really want to thank all of you who have shown your concern, shared your story and information. I do feel better knowing that others have experienced similar situations and felt the pain I'm feeling because I lost my sweetheart, Cinnamon. I really, really miss her and look forward to...
  2. C


    ((Lady Logamorph)), I'm very upset with myself for not noticing these changes in her behavior. Up close, there was no noticeable odor emitting from her ... no signs of maggots or anything ... just light traces of blood in her bum area. I'm thinking she may have been breathing hard and this...
  3. C


    ((Jack's-Jane)), After a bath, she would usually get a mucky bum about a week later ... sometimes her wet poop would stick to her fur and when she sat down, it would cause the dry poop to stick, creating a mess. So, I would give her a nice warm bath and gently rub the mess away using a baby...
  4. C


    Thank you, ((Jack's Jane)) and ((Wendle)). Yeah, it appears it was the culmination of an unseen disease or illness that crept up on us. She usually gets a bath every couple of weeks depending on her hind area. Most often I am the one who bathes her and I only wet her hind quarters and I dry...
  5. C

    Hi I'm new! I need some help.

    What happened to Humphrie??? I thought you had 3 rabbits at one time.
  6. C


    I'm so heartbroken and guilty ... I lost my beloved bunny, Cinnamon, last Friday morning, 08/24/12. :( [tears] We adopted her 8 years ago from a litter that were cared for at my daughter's school. Her father was a Dutch grey and white rabbit and her mother was a small domesticated cottontail...
  7. C

    My beloved Billy 22/8/2012

    So sorry your beloved Billy passed away. I feel your pain ... my beloved Cinnamon passed away on 08/24/12 and it hurts deeply.