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Recent content by cathyc

  1. C

    Night time bunny behaviour

    thanks - perhaps we should introduce some gradually then and see if it stops him doing it.
  2. C

    Night time bunny behaviour

    thanks - have just had a quick look and it does say that pellets are not necessary if fresh veggies are given every day which they are - but perhaps they need more variety? Or would you recommend pellets anyway? Would more variety and/or pellets stop his night time behaviour?
  3. C

    Night time bunny behaviour

    he does eat them during the day yes - he's eating one as we speak!
  4. C

    Night time bunny behaviour

    we did when we first got them but he was never keen on them and we'd read that you didn't have to feed them pellets so haven't done since. We give them broccoli, curly kale, sometimes spinach leaves although not too often, carrot and apple in smaller amounts, celery, basil leaves, banana and...
  5. C

    Night time bunny behaviour

    and why is it he doesn't eat them at night, yet does eat them in the day?
  6. C

    Night time bunny behaviour

    his diet consists of grass, hay, fruit and veg - no pellets. is it likely to be one of th fruits or veggies then?
  7. C

    Night time bunny behaviour

    Hi, I wondered if anyone had come across a house bunny leaving several caecotroph lying around during the night? He doesn't usually do this in the day, but when we get up in the morning there are between 2 and 10 where he's been sleeping!!! His teeth are in good health, he eats well and his...