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Recent content by bunny123

  1. bunny123

    Why does my rabbit move her litter tray?

    She is not spayed yet, but I do plan on getting her done soon. I will be moving soon, so I am going to wait untill she's a bit settled first. I do realise that most of her behaviour is down to hormones I just wondered if I could try to correct some of her behaviour. I don't know too much about...
  2. bunny123

    Why does my rabbit move her litter tray?

    Hi buddy bunny, yes i noticed that. She is certainly determined to move it most the time. She also throws all the hay out of it and it goes everywhere. I'm guessing I can't teach her to be a tidy bunny lol.
  3. bunny123

    Why does my rabbit move her litter tray?

    Hi everyone, this is my first post on this site. I have a 7 month old rabbit who keeps moving her litter ray around. I put it back into the corner and tell her 'no' but she still keeps doing it. Is there anything you can recommend that I do. Or do rabbits always do this. I have searched the net...