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Recent content by Bonding...help!

  1. B

    Trying to bond, gave up after five minutes! What to do next?

    I had them living separately again for a few weeks as he needed quite a few vets trips, but having re-introduced them on Thursday they are now living together in a puppy pen in a neutral room and doing OK. How long would you leave it before attempting to move them to a neutralised hutch outside...
  2. B

    Trying to bond, gave up after five minutes! What to do next?

    Thanks, we managed to get 10 minutes of relatively peaceful interaction by intervening and calming him down when he looked likely to jump on her, then put them in adjacent pens overnight for him to calm down and get used to her presence. She is completely chilled about the whole thing and kept...
  3. B

    Trying to bond, gave up after five minutes! What to do next?

    Hello all, I just tried to start the bonding process with my 2 rabbits - a speyed female minilop and neutered male nethie. I put them both in a small pen in a neutral area with some water and hay. Initially she humped him then he quickly wriggled out and started humping her...and wouldn't stop...