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Recent content by bexwillis

  1. B

    House rabbits move outside?....

    Thanks for all replies - I've made a decision as I'm worried that time is of the essence with the weather and all that jazz. So, I've ordered one of those 'Massive' jobs off ebay for now (thanks for the suggestion), and may work on the shed idea at a later date depending on how the boys get on...
  2. B

    House rabbits move outside?....

    Thanks everyone! I'm now leaning towards the idea of converting a shed - well, getting a shed built for the boys by my Dad and his mate who seem confident! I spoke to someone who suggested drilling holes in the outer walls for a bit of ventilation (but not opposite each other so they create a...
  3. B

    House rabbits move outside?....

    Thanks everyone, this is giving me lots of ideas, and making me feel a lot happier! But I think I need to crack on and get the boys outside soon while the weather is warmish so it's less of a shock to them. Do you think it's best to buy a hutch/run combo ready-made or worth asking a friend...
  4. B

    House rabbits move outside?....

    I am soooo glad to hear this!! Phew!! If converting the shed isn't going to work out, do know anywhere you could recommend to get a space saving but nice and big (ie. small footprint but large) outside hutch and run in one? Thanks - Bex :)
  5. B

    House rabbits move outside?....

    Hi there - I'm new to this forum but have a bit of a problem that I thought you might be able to help with. We have two large-ish dwarf lop bunnies who are 3 years old and have been house buns ever since we bought them. They do like to go out in the garden when it's cool but sunny though and...