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Recent content by Beautifulmess

  1. B

    What would you do?

    I'm not quite sure, I think personally I would clean it all out. If the nest is changing their attidude and they've no need for it maybe just put extra hay where the nest was? <3
  2. B

    My new rabbit - Roo

    The lady said she was like 1 1/2 years old, is there any way to tell? The vet today confirmed she was female, said she was underweight and trimmed her toe nails coz they were going wild apprantly. She has good fur but is malting and said that she can be a risk to the guinea pigs near her (some...
  3. B

    My new rabbit - Roo

    I adopted Roo from a freecycler who was keeping her in a tesco crate because her hutch was broken. I rescured her altho I disagree in animals being offered or wanted on freecycle (I run the Stafford group and our rule is NO). She seems healthy but is going for a vet check up tonight. We were...
  4. B


    Ok, so sticking to Aubious is the best idea all around then. No worries :)
  5. B


    I need some advice on rabbit bedding, is it alright to bed them completely on hay? Atm my guinea pigs are on Aubiose but I've found out hay bails are only £4.50 so i'm going to swap over (with a bit of fleese so they can get off it) apart from the one pig who gets hayfever. Is it alright for...
  6. B


    Hi, I'm on the guinea pig forums as I own 4 guinea pigs but I want a house rabbit too and possibly to foster 1-2 guinea pigs or 1-2 rabbits as well. I've had rabbits before but its been a good few years so I'm going to be looking at the threads for advice and such on them. I've looked at the...