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Recent content by aussiebun

  1. aussiebun

    Found my rabbit beheaded

    Is it possible for your new bunnies to be housebunnies? Then you eliminate the risk altogether?
  2. aussiebun

    Re home

    Bunnies are soooooo easy to housetrain it's ridiculous! Just put their litter tray where they like to go, with hay either in it or a hay rack above it and there you have it. Easy peasy.;)
  3. aussiebun

    Help?! Emergency advise please?

    Hi there, I'm from Australia and our summers are stinking hot - well over 40c! All the advice re ice bottles is correct. I would add though, that when it's that hot and you don't have access to a/c to not wrap the ice bottles up. When it's that hot here, especially after a few days, my buns...
  4. aussiebun

    Anyone want a signature?

    Oh I'd love one if it's not too much trouble. I'll pic out some good pics of each bun and send them to you if that's ok. Thanks so much!
  5. aussiebun

    Help rabbit weeing every where!!!

    If you put the hay rack directly over one end of the litter tray your problem will be solved in a matter of days. They like to much while they poop. To get to the hay they have to climb into the tray - problem solved. :wave:
  6. aussiebun

    Daisy didn't make it :-(

    So very sorry for your loss. Hugs xx
  7. aussiebun

    Pets at Home Easter Bunny Offer... LET'S KEEP THE PRESSURE ON!

    Me and my bunnies are all on FB (yes, I'm a loser and they have their own pages - they've got more friends than me! :lol:) we are in the group and we've all invited our entire friends lists. I know I'm not from the UK but I emailed them too, I figured it can't hurt to let them know that word of...
  8. aussiebun

    Rabbit spay - aftercare help?

    That's a good idea Tanya, always best with bunnies to get them checked by a vet when you're not sure - especially after surgery!
  9. aussiebun

    Poor bunnies found on main road

    Oh that is so sad! Nothing humans do shocks me anymore. God bless you for taking them in, and god bless the kind woman who's caring for them in the meantime. Those bunnies have 2 guardian angels. xx
  10. aussiebun

    It's starting already... :(

    I know it will never happen, and it's probably not practical anyway from a rescue point of view but I wish that in the month leading up to Easter that no bunnies were sold at all, to anyone. Poor bunnies. I hate Easter for that reason :(
  11. aussiebun

    Which of you have cats and house rabbits?

    I have housebuns and housecats and all are together all the time whether I'm home or not. I've never had any problems. The buns were there first and the cats came in as little kits and have grown up with them. The only exception was when I first got Lily, she was so tiny I didn't want to risk...
  12. aussiebun

    Abandonded rabbits

    Why would this be? I have 2 Agouti's and they're beautiful. Lola ain't no English Lop though - where the heck did they get that from? She looks just like my Wally :( Why oh why are humans so darn cruel?
  13. aussiebun

    Adopting 2 New Buns Today!!

    Thankyou, they are gorgeous aren't they? I still can't believe how it worked out. You'd think that Wally not being neutered yet would mean it wouldn't work but it is working - incredible! I would never have tried to put an un-neutered male in with another male, neutered or not but looks like...
  14. aussiebun

    Sooty is 1 Today!!!! :) Her life in pictures so far!

    Happy birthday Sooty! What a lucky family you are to all have each other :D Have a wonderful day!
  15. aussiebun

    Help with bonding 2 male bunnys.

    Hello again, I should have added that the un-neutered boy is being done this week, and that it was a complete fluke that they've bonded so easily with him not being done. NEVER try to bond two un-neutered buns, a recipe for disaster.