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Recent content by allsaintzs

  1. allsaintzs

    Naughty Rabbit since being castrated...is this normal?

    Since having his bits snipped off last week my male Rabbit has become very naughty, he is clawing the sofa, chewing everything and digging everything,He is a house Rabbit.Im wondering if he will settle down and that this may be a reaction to his trauma last week. Any ideas in resolving this as...
  2. allsaintzs


    Does anyone know if its ok to have two boys and a girl together, one of the boys is spayed?
  3. allsaintzs

    Hair pulling

    I have just come home to find my lovely black bed sheets covered in white Rabbit hair..My Rabbit is about four months old and she is a doe...There is clumos of her hair everywhere like she has been pulling it out..does anybody know why she is doing this...We also have a spayed buck who is four...
  4. allsaintzs

    Cashmere Lop Wanted

    Im looking for a female baby cashmere lop, I live in Brighton and dont mind traveling a little if someone has one for sale!! My Cashmere lop just died and im very upset as she was only two years old and had lots of things wrong with her from the day we got her. SO if anyone can help me find a...
  5. allsaintzs

    My Rabbit is passing smelly gas is this normal?

    My giant lop has started passing really smelly wind is this normal and what should I do?
  6. allsaintzs

    Digging in the liiter box!

    Does anybody know why my doe diggs franticaly in her litter box, she throws all the litter out and makes a right mess?
  7. allsaintzs

    Help me my doe keeps weeing everywhere in the house

    Hi she is 1years old and netured, sometimes she will use the litter tray but normally its on the kitchen floor! araghhhh
  8. allsaintzs

    E Cuniculi

    They can go onto to lead normal lives with the panacur, but the parasite can not be gotten rid of only sedated.Thats why its good to catch it as early as possible.As long as your Rabbit is happy and eating and the fits are being managed with medication you will be fine.
  9. allsaintzs

    E Cuniculi

    Ecunil tips! Hi my female lop was diagnoised with this 6 months ago It is really upseting seeing them having a fit, my Rabbit is on panacur for life, we havce tried giving her a break from the Panacur but the fits and rolling return. My vets have prescribed me some valium for her if she has a...
  10. allsaintzs

    Help me my doe keeps weeing everywhere in the house

    Any suggestions on how to stop my female Rabbit peeing everywhere, she has a male Rabbit friend and he never pees except in the litter box?