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Both my rabbits have gone missing :( UPDATE both found dead

Thanks everyone :(

I'm devasted, I feel so guilty! I've learnt from my mistake but it's just so horrible knowing I could've prevented it and now huge chunk of my life and heart is missing. And my babies lost their lives and i'm kicking myself every minute for it.... I feel empty :cry:

A rabbit free house is so boring :lol: :cry: xxxx
don't beat yourself up about it, if you honestly thought there was a threat waiting you wouldn't have let them out.... You weren't to know.

I hope when the time is right you may consider more furry feetsies in your rabbit free house....:love:

fee x
Thanks everyone :(

I'm devasted, I feel so guilty! I've learnt from my mistake but it's just so horrible knowing I could've prevented it and now huge chunk of my life and heart is missing. And my babies lost their lives and i'm kicking myself every minute for it.... I feel empty :cry:

A rabbit free house is so boring :lol: :cry: xxxx

I can imagine - was thinking how horrible you must feel. :cry: I am so sorry ((big hug))

We ALL make mistakes, even the most careful of us. But what's done is done and the best thing to takeaway are the lessons learnt so that it never ever happens again. Also, it serves as a warning for those who have read this and could mean more bunnies lives saved as a result. That is a good thing!
don't beat yourself up about it, if you honestly thought there was a threat waiting you wouldn't have let them out.... You weren't to know.

I hope when the time is right you may consider more furry feetsies in your rabbit free house....:love:

fee x

My life with out bunnies is never complete, I will more then likely have more in the future. My grandparents have even said they will cover the cost of it which is nice of them. If and when I do, I will be sure to update everyone :wave:

I can imagine - was thinking how horrible you must feel. :cry: I am so sorry ((big hug))

We ALL make mistakes, even the most careful of us. But what's done is done and the best thing to takeaway are the lessons learnt so that it never ever happens again. Also, it serves as a warning for those who have read this and could mean more bunnies lives saved as a result. That is a good thing!

I really do hope people take this on board. It's so horrible knowing it could of been prevented but everyone makes mistakes xxx
Just read everything. I'm so sorry.

Please don't blame yourself. Two of my cats were poisoned but I don't want to deprive my other cats the fun they have outside. You can never protect pets for 100%. I had a hammie safe in a cage, however he escaped anyway and was killed by a cat.

This is a tragic incident and it will haunt you for a very long time. One day you will find happiness with new bunnies. Take your time to grieve and you will never forget them.

RIP darling bunnies
Don't beat ya self up we learn By our mistakes I no it's a sad and heartbreaking mistake but at least you no they had a good life with you and never ever trust a fox they are there even in the daytime pesky sods xx
Thanks everyone :(

I'm devasted, I feel so guilty! I've learnt from my mistake but it's just so horrible knowing I could've prevented it and now huge chunk of my life and heart is missing. And my babies lost their lives and i'm kicking myself every minute for it.... I feel empty :cry:

A rabbit free house is so boring :lol: :cry: xxxx

Its natural to feel guilty. Unfortunately you didn't know the risk of foxes, a lot of people don't until its too late.

I lost my first girl bunny to a heart attack to a fox trying to desperately break in to their hutch, the fox even managed to move bricks and it was working away at the side of the hutch. I heard my male bunny scream in the very early hours of the morning, rushed out and saw the fox dash from the hutch to the back of the garden and jump the high fence. It was too late for my girl, the shock killed her. Sunshine was fine.

I got him a new companion. A few month later we found her with her ear completely missing, it was a fox, again it couldn't get into the hutch but somehow managed to get her ear. It would have been very traumatic tug of war ripping her ear off and luckily she survived after 2 major operations. After that they were moved inside permanantly.
dont blame yourself, i had a friend who's rabbit was free ranging in the garden whilst she was sat supervising and a fox came in and took the rabbit in front of her!

you now know the dangers of foxes in your area so if you have more rabbits i'm sure you will not let them free range its seem a lovely thing to do for the rabbits but sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind to keep them safe ..

a big enclosed run is the ticket and locked in the hutch at night...;)

put it down to experience albeit a very upsetting one...and if anything good has come out of this anyone on RU reading this who free ranges their rabbits or leaves them out in the run throughout the night will think again ......
Its natural to feel guilty. Unfortunately you didn't know the risk of foxes, a lot of people don't until its too late.

I lost my first girl bunny to a heart attack to a fox trying to desperately break in to their hutch, the fox even managed to move bricks and it was working away at the side of the hutch. I heard my male bunny scream in the very early hours of the morning, rushed out and saw the fox dash from the hutch to the back of the garden and jump the high fence. It was too late for my girl, the shock killed her. Sunshine was fine.

I got him a new companion. A few month later we found her with her ear completely missing, it was a fox, again it couldn't get into the hutch but somehow managed to get her ear. It would have been very traumatic tug of war ripping her ear off and luckily she survived after 2 major operations. After that they were moved inside permanantly.

Oh cripes :shock::cry:

Don't blame yourself Hun, we all make mistakes. I'm so sorry this has happened to you and your buns :cry: