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(upsetting images) - Donations Required - UPDATE ON NEEDS P270

'the situation had apparently been in this state for at least nine years, and had been reported to the RSPCA on numerous occasions'

I don't understand how the RSPCA could :censored: up so badly? How many times do they need to be told? The fact some of the rabbits were being sold as meat is even worse because that breaks so many rules in terms of live stock and selling meat!?!

The stroke was Karma paying this A hole a visit. :evil::evil:
Dear god, what the :censored:

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Helen, I cant do a bloody thing. I am so useless here. I have no money, I cant offer to take any Rabbits and I cant offer help with transport etc

I am crying my eyes out and that is useless to those poor, poor Rabbits too

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Jane, you do your bit always - you help all the starfish. Sometimes others who can't help in the way that you do with advice and support will be able to help on this occasion.

Sometimes people can give funds becaues they can't physically take the bunnies in, and sometimes the other way round.

Others have the most important gift to offer - support - that is you! :D


I for one will be writing to my MP today.
all done :D

apart from a hairy moment when i changed my country of residence to somewhere that i have never heard of!
Have passed on the information to my local rescue to see if they can spread the word. How come none of the really horrific photos are on the website though? It may have more impact to see just how bad the abuse was perhaps?
Just spoken to PACT. All of these rabbits are being quarantined but would be grateful for assistance with the other rabbits (over 100) already in their care.

The rabbits already there are not yet neutered so any donation will help with the whole situation and certainly go towards getting these rabbits done so that they can be rehomed.

Rescues offering spaces for rabbits would be taking the bunnies already there but they would need neutering before rehoming.

Thousands of rabbits already waiting for homes and now another 70+ to add. And what have the RSPCA done, with all their millions in donations? Nothing. Again. But ignore the problem. Now other rescues, probably many who fund themselves, are dealing with the fall out. Its too much. The majority of poeple in this country are ignorant as to the extent of the problems with unwanted pets/backyard breeders etc. Cases like this need to be "out there" and the government/local councils forced to face up to what is happening and do something about it.


I for one will be writing to my MP today.

Being as I have no money, no transport and am full up with fosters -this is about the only way I can help. I'm not bad at putting letters together, but Helen - would you mind letting me see what you write? To make sure I'm on the right lines, I can then adapt my own as necessary and try and get as many people as I can to get writing :)

Thousands of rabbits already waiting for homes and now another 70+ to add. And what have the RSPCA done, with all their millions in donations? Nothing. Again. But ignore the problem. Now other rescues, probably many who fund themselves, are dealing with the fall out. Its too much. The majority of poeple in this country are ignorant as to the extent of the problems with unwanted pets/backyard breeders etc. Cases like this need to be "out there" and the government/local councils forced to face up to what is happening and do something about it.

Being as I have no money, no transport and am full up with fosters -this is about the only way I can help. I'm not bad at putting letters together, but Helen - would you mind letting me see what you write? To make sure I'm on the right lines, I can then adapt my own as necessary and try and get as many people as I can to get writing :)

Hi Debbie

Sure, I shall be sitting down to do this tonight and can forward you a copy (40 buns to clean out this afternoon) and MMC are putting together a press release too.


PACT apparently get this with other species too from local pet shops - deformed animals and new owners who have no idea what they are taking on.
What's wrong with these people :(

I can't donate at the moment cos I don't know how much Mischa is going to cost me but I'll try to keep it in mind for when I'm a little more flush.
Hi Debbie

Sure, I shall be sitting down to do this tonight and can forward you a copy (40 buns to clean out this afternoon) and MMC are putting together a press release too.


PACT apparently get this with other species too from local pet shops - deformed animals and new owners who have no idea what they are taking on.

That would be great, thank you :D Fingers crossed for some good media coverage from the PR.
I dont have alot of money but I have just sent a donation via their website, these photos made me cry, I just want to help however I can :(

I wish I could offer a loving home to one of these bunnies I really do. I just want to cuddle them all this is heartbreaking.
Do they rehome nationally? I am miles away in Somerset but maybe in the future may be able to offer one of these unlucky creatures a home. This story has really shocked me and made me want to get word out. Should print it out and put it all over all pet shops selling bunnies.
Do they rehome nationally? I am miles away in Somerset but maybe in the future may be able to offer one of these unlucky creatures a home. This story has really shocked me and made me want to get word out. Should print it out and put it all over all pet shops selling bunnies.

Not sure but having just spoken to the lady who took the photos, and talked about the bunnies that are already there - she said they have some good people that could help with transport. So that might mean they could possibly.

I shall be speaking to them again later so will see what they say.
Dear god, what the :censored:

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Helen, I cant do a bloody thing. I am so useless here. I have no money, I cant offer to take any Rabbits and I cant offer help with transport etc

I am crying my eyes out and that is useless to those poor, poor Rabbits too

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Jack's Jane, I know something you can do, is to email other rabbit rescues and see if they can take any of the rabbits they already have. As Helen posted this perhaps check with her to see if its a good idea. I know in the past it can take hours of patience to email all the rescues and if you need the backing of a rescue your more than welcome to use my rescue name or Helens if she thinks its a good idea. This is if you have time!!!

I have a new fosterer in Kent with some (helen sized hutches) who is very keen, so hopefully I can take 2 or 3 of the other ones to help. Will get intouch directly.
Donation sent. This is the reason breeders need to be checked on. Why on earth didn't the RSPCA feel the need to get involved when they were called?