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Please tell me how you can love animals so much, but still eat meat?

I was just wondering... I guess no one here eats rabbit. I dont eat any meat or fish. But I also doubt you are all vegetarian. In fact I have seen meat eating mentioned on various threads. So what is the difference? Do you just not eat an animal if you think it is cute? So does the animals worth lie in your perception of it? Dont you think a cows mother loves her baby calf? What about pigs - they are supposed to be as intelligent as dogs. And chickens are good fun to watch... people in Australia eat kangaroo but we all think they are lovely animals who love their young.

So how can you be an animal lover, even an animal activist, but still eat animals. It seems highly arrogant to determine the worth of a living creature based solely on your perceptions of its cuteness or sweetness.
Oh noooooooooo...we have a thread like this at least 3 times a month - do a search on 'vegetarian' 'vegan' etc and you'll see it's all already been covered multiple times :D
well... I had a look and I couldnt find anything immediate and to be honest I cant be bothered to faff about for an hour searching it out. I am not a regular poster here but have used this forum over the years when I needed rabbit advice. I just had a question, and asked it.
Erm ... I am not vegetarian and yes I would eat rabbit, even though I have owned them and think they are 'cute'.

I love all animals. Including cows, pigs etc. However, I personally have no problem eating them.

What I do hate is when they are ill treated, so I try and buy oragnic, free range meat.

In my ideal world I would have a smallholding and would eat animals I had reared, so I knew they had a fantastic life.

In reality I would probably get far too attached and wouldn't be able to kill them. So I guess I am a hypocrite in some ways.

Personally I am fascinated by nature - including it's more 'hard to take' elements. It's all a big circle and I hope the worms enjoy eating me when I am dead.
Seems a bit strange to join a forum you have been reading for years just to ask a question that will no doubt cause problems and arguments. :?
Erm ... I am not vegetarian and yes I would eat rabbit, even though I have owned them and think they are 'cute'.

I love all animals. Including cows, pigs etc. However, I personally have no problem eating them.

What I do hate is when they are ill treated, so I try and buy oragnic, free range meat.

In my ideal world I would have a smallholding and would eat animals I had reared, so I knew they had a fantastic life.

In reality I would probably get far too attached and wouldn't be able to kill them. So I guess I am a hypocrite in some ways.

Personally I am fascinated by nature - including it's more 'hard to take' elements. It's all a big circle and I hope the worms enjoy eating me when I am dead.

while I find your honesty refreshing... the worms will be eating you after you have already died... if they came into your house after playing mother to you for years and clubbed you over the head I think you would feel differently at being eaten by them.
Seems a bit strange to join a forum you have been reading for years just to ask a question that will no doubt cause problems and arguments. :?

It may be strange but there you go I have done it.

You could also say its strange to join a forum dedicated to rabbit welfare and still eat them.
while I find your honesty refreshing... the worms will be eating you after you have already died... if they came into your house after playing mother to you for years and clubbed you over the head I think you would feel differently at being eaten by them.

I'd be dead so I wouldn't mind!
I can't love animals so much and eat meat. My OH and I stopped eating meat after rehoming our first pair of bunnies and now it's two years on.

I wouldn't eat a rabbit - it would be like someone wanting to put one of our beloved freinds in a pot so why would we do the same with a moo cow who we also love, or a piglet.

Nope, can't do it, but I don't condemn others who can. We all have free will.
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Well as you have only just joined it seems a strange post to come out with.
and one that's likely to lead to arguments:?

I love animals and I eat meat..have been called a murderer due to this before but have thick skin...we are all entitiled to our own opinions and if your opinion of me is not very complimentry due to my eating habits..well I can live with that!:D

anyone for trifle?:lol:
while I find your honesty refreshing... the worms will be eating you after you have already died... if they came into your house after playing mother to you for years and clubbed you over the head I think you would feel differently at being eaten by them.

Actually that's not entirely true. If I had a good life then I would be happy.

If I was killed quickly I would not know anything about it. And I would rather they then ate me, than I was wasted!

If I don't know I am going to die, what does it matter if I do die? As a human being, it is the people that I leave behind that would suffer, not me.

*hurrys off to find some worms to mother me ....*
Personally, I think it's highly arrogant to assume I choose meat on the basis of how cute it is. I can't speak for everyone but I think most people go on flavour ;)

I feed my cat rabbit cat food though if that makes you feel better :)

I don't have an issue with which animals are eaten, like most people my only concern is how they are treated whilst alive.

Interesting start.

I am veggie, also no fish, eggs,milk dairy.

Careful what i buy (non tested on animals, no animal ingredients)

I love animals and care about their welfare.

But................... this thread has been done before and i'm pretty sure this will end the same way and you will have stirred up a storm and be on another forum elsewhere doin the same thing!
eating meat is something we are bought up to do and its hard to get away from the habit if you dont generally associate the ready packed meat with cute little lambs bouncing about a field...

i have only stopped eating all meat and fish this year and i try hard to avoid milk too but thats not going to well...

i find the fact that animals are used for testing on a huge scale more upsetting than someone who chooses to eat meat, most household products and cosmetics are tested and noone seems to care :cry::cry:.. its really hard to shop for stuff when all the big names that are tested are right there on the shelves leaving no room for the alternatives which arent tested.... i dont understand why its so hidden what those evil :censored: do to animals

the poor animals used to be tested on are like the forgotten and dont matter to anyone :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:

*gets off soap box and goes for a fish free beer*