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Myxi jab in Kent?


Mama Doe
Hello please can you help?:wave:

Ive got my bunny vaccinated against myxi and VHD but Ive been told that the myxi vaccine only works for 6 months.

Ive cheked the thread on areas affected by myxi and its not Kent so I should be okay.

The vets said that there havent been any outbreaks of Myxi in my area but im not so sure its not worth the cost just for piece of mind for bunny boo?! :roll:
My vet told me to get mine vaccinated every 12months as opposed to every 6. I think he's always a bit bemused when I visit... I don't know of anyone in my area who has their rabbit vaccinated, so my visits always require a phone call to make sure they have the vaccine there. ^^; I think he considers me an obsessive bunny-mummy.
Hey. I'm in kent too (maidstone). Just wanted to say, my vet seems to think we're in a high risk area because there are big populations of wild rabbits in Kent...that's what she said anyways.

I'm in a rural area so i'll be doing every 6 months, but if you're in a built up area or whatever i guess once a year would be ok? :)
I'm in Rainham, Kent and my vet says to have Scooby done every 6 months as this is a high risk area. I think it just depends whereabouts in Kent you are as to how high or low the risk is. I personally don't want to take the risk and I will be getting Scooby done every 6 months.

If you look HERE you can see that there have been some outbreaks of Myxi in Kent. Hope that helps! :D

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I read somewhere that it lasted for 9 months and thats why it was recommended to be done April/May so it was the winter months when the mosq should be dead that the rabbit wasn't immune although the winters can be milder now.
I'm sorry I can't remember where I read the info, maybe someone else can clarify if it's so?

I do know there was a big outbreak a few years ago and a lot of vaccinated pet bunnies did get myxi, the Kent area was affected then.
