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sam and domino


Alpha Buck
well they arent the tidiest of buns...their latest game is drag the litter tray around the hutch,a nd chew up teh dog bed, but regardless they are adorable to me.

so here are the happy couple (now been together since the 13th march...i knwo taht as i named my chick "samino" who hatche dthat day).

domino, with sam in the dogs bed

domino alone

sam alone

domino looking out at sam contemplating whether or not to play

and teh two having decided there is always tiem for some fun


and last of all the budgie samino, named after their bonding ;-)
norah said:
They are lovely and look very tidy to me :D :D

you wouldnt saythat if you had just tidied their hutch, and they emptied their food everywhere,a nd starting to play frisby with teh litter tray ;-)

but it is cute to watch tho....funny thing is they are ultra tidy with tehir "proper toys"...always put their own little wooden logs, and balls etc back into the doggy bed when they arent playing with them!