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Mr Teeny the swimming budgie!


Alpha Buck
This is Mr Teeny, the budgie my brother found in his pond a few weeks ago, soaking wet!! God knows how he got there, but luckily he was ok! :shock:
aint he cute!! :love:
Luckily he has joined an animal mad family! :lol: :lol: :lol:



Yes I know I'm cute!

Are you SURE I'm not a fish????!!!

Pecs to rival Peter Andre!
lol :oops: just realised that we must look like a drunken family, as James has left vodka on his windowsill, and I accidently left wine in a photo of the bunnies new house! doh :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
AmyG said:
lol :oops: just realised that we must look like a drunken family, as James has left vodka on his windowsill, and I accidently left wine in a photo of the bunnies new house! doh :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I didnt notice, so just goes to proove how accustomed I am to seeing alcohol about!! :oops: :roll:

Wonder what he was doing in a pond...? Must've tried to get a drink or catch fish or something... Bet he didn't appreciate falling in and getting soaked!

I didn't notice the vodka til you said - my alci sense must be failing me!
Awww he's a beautiful colour - poor thing must have tried to get a drink and fell in although budgies do love to have a splash about in water if they get the chance although they usually prefer it shallow. :D