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Some pics of my piggies!


Mama Doe
They moved over to their 5ftx2ft hutch yesterday! They love it! :D




Awwww! They are so cute! Glad they like their new hutch!

My bunny Binky has the same little house except it's bigger. :lol:
He doesn't use it though. :roll: :lol:

Jennifer and Binky.xxx
They must be MUCH smaller than mine :lol: Mine have that log cabin (the big one) and they can't fit in it together :shock: :lol: :lol: :oops:
loopylop said:
They must be MUCH smaller than mine :lol: Mine have that log cabin (the big one) and they can't fit in it together :shock: :lol: :lol: :oops:

Same with my Jack!! He can fit in (just) but hes a bit silly and tries to get out via the window but his bum is too big!!! :lol:
Ooh arent they so cut - I love the one of them in the little house - they look like the weather lady and gent :lol: