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Neutered Buck Who Still 'Buzzes and Hums'........


Wise Old Thumper
I Think a few of you have heard of my Uncle Albert. He still makes that funny boy-bun buzz-hum sound when he gets excited about ANYTHING :roll: :roll: ...Be it food, his girlie friend or ME!! :roll: :roll: None of my other Bucks continued to do this once they had their plums done. Is it because Bertie was neutered at a very late stage :? :?, he was about 7 ?? He was a Rescue Bun and he had to have a Dental as he had been slowly starving to death :cry: . I asked the Vet if she would neuter him at the same time as the Dental so I could bond him with a friend. Does anyone know if 'later in life castration' for a Buck is likely to be why Bertie has retained quite a dew 'entire Buck' tendencies.... :roll: :roll: 8) 8) Or is it just 'Dirty Bertie'? 8) 8) :wink: :wink: Jane and Buns xx
Jack still buzzes and honks and circles my feet too! He does it mostly when I am near the shelf his food is kept on, or if I'm carrying parsley or treats :D.

He got neutered later than I had planned as he had health problems... it stopped him spraying everything in sight but never stopped the circling and honking. He was still quite young when he got neutered though - I think he was just over a year old.

I think it's quite sweet though, when you know its not going to end with being sprayed - at least I know he appreciates his food! :D