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rabbit drinking wee


Alpha Buck
my new bunny has just gone home for the night and straight away he went to toilet in the corner but then he turned round and drank it :shock: :? :shock: :? :oops:

i've never seen a rabbit do this, it cant be good for him can it? he's got a big bottle of water that he can get to all the time and he had drunk from it over the last 24 hours

any ideas on why he would do this and ifit could cause problems?
thanks quinn, i didn't know what to think! i'll keep an eye on him to see if it's habit or a one off. i don't know much about his history so it may have been something he learnt before he went to a rescue, poor boy :(
Bare in mind animals don't think of wee like we do - to us that's a pretty gross (and unacceptable) thing to do but rabbits eat their own poop so to them it's no a big deal.

Just double check the water bottle is working, you could provide a bowl too - some bunnies like those better than bottle. Drinking a puddle of water is more natural ;)

Hi Honey,
I've seen mine do something similar a couple of times. Before she got used to her litter tray she had a couple of accidents on her vetbed, which she promptly started licking..... I haven't seen her do it recently though!
before we had to let wicket go to the bridge he used to have "accidents" which both himself and bump would sometimes lick.

wicket had a kidney problem which was causing a build up of calcium on his bones. this probably doesnt make a difference but i was wondering if perhaps it made his wee taste differently?

we thought it odd that both would lick it up left them to it.

btw, was sat next to atom last night while he was in the litter tray (its next to the cd towers) and i actually "heard" him go! it was a propper sqwerty noise (if that makes sense). he has just had his N OP and i wasnt sure if it was a scent thing or what.

he is blinkying and has just as much energy as ever!