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Male rabbit burrow?


New Kit
Hi there, we've recently adopted a lovely male rabbit, at least I think he's male! that's what we were told from previous owners, he has full run of our secured garden every day and I've noticed tonight that the grass is turned up behind our storage unit where he sometimes hides, should I worry that he's going to burrow out under the fence? I will try to seal it off so that he can't get behind there, but I just wondered if this is normal behaviour in male rabbits?
Yes - worry & yes it is normal . Some rabbits (& its not just males) are great tunnel builders & most would dig under a fence
Yes - a male will dig borrows and its a completely natural behaviour.

Has he been neutered? If not, its worth having this done and getting him a companion once his hormones settle down.

Neutering alone may be enough to help reduce the borrowing, but surely it'd be nice to see him playing with another bunny friend. Its adorable when they follow each other around.

If you're not sure if he's a male or female, many vet nurses will check the sex of your rabbit free of charge. Just contact your local vets. Its worth discussing neutering and vaccinations with them while you're there also.

Keep the area off limits to him. Concrete slabs often work as well as mesh.
Hello. Yes males do dig huge burrows. Years ago we had a cross breed, called George and he dug a huge burrow under a pile of bricks. Hubby was moving the bricks and the ground gave way, hubby slipped through the dirt and nearly broke his ankle. I laughed like a drain but he was not happy. I told him it wasn't any of my bunnies. He didn't believe me!