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Increased water and urination


Alpha Buck
After Bofurs bout with stasis we changed up his diet- fresh salads twice a day, no pellets or treats (unless we're rewarding him for letting us pick him up) and we switched up his hay in hopes to get him to eat some and now that he's got orchard grass he eats it like a mad man (yay!)
However we've noticed that he has been drinking more water and there has been a marked increase in urine output-it was puddling on his newspaper and left his feet soaked so a litter switch to piddle pads happened. Urine doesn't look sludgy and is his average color, and poos are normal also.
Could it just be from his diet change? Because he's eating hay (I assume that might make them thirsty?)
Or because of the weather change perhaps?
Any thoughts/opinions would be much appreciated!
Sorry I'm just bumping up. Though diet change is a common factor in changing how they digest then dispose of waste - it's not impossible especially if that's a big change for Bofur (love the name).
After Bofurs bout with stasis we changed up his diet- fresh salads twice a day, no pellets or treats (unless we're rewarding him for letting us pick him up) and we switched up his hay in hopes to get him to eat some and now that he's got orchard grass he eats it like a mad man (yay!)
However we've noticed that he has been drinking more water and there has been a marked increase in urine output-it was puddling on his newspaper and left his feet soaked so a litter switch to piddle pads happened. Urine doesn't look sludgy and is his average color, and poos are normal also.
Could it just be from his diet change? Because he's eating hay (I assume that might make them thirsty?)
Or because of the weather change perhaps?
Any thoughts/opinions would be much appreciated!

Eating a lot more hay will often lead to an increased water intake. That then obviously causing an increased urine output. Warmer weather can contribute to an increased water consumption too. As long as your Rabbit is maintaining his weight, is eating well and has a normal poo output I would not be too concerned. If he were to be losing weight and/or if he were to be leaking wee/losing litter tray habits that would merit another Vet check. As would any return of gastrointestinal issues. I am sure that you will keep a close eye on him and contact your Vet promptly if necessary xx
Sorry I'm just bumping up. Though diet change is a common factor in changing how they digest then dispose of waste - it's not impossible especially if that's a big change for Bofur (love the name).

Yes, the diet change sounds like a reason for more drinking. I also find my buns drink a lot more as the weather gets warmer ..
Keep an eye out for any other symptoms ... but hopefully all is fine x
Thank you all very much! I suspected as much but wanted to be sure I wasn't just being optimistic and symptom blind! Very much appreciate the speedy responses!