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Outdoor to indoor


New Kit

I have two bonded bunnies, merry a Rex x lop and cassie a lionhead. They're gorgeous! But I've been thinking that I would spend a lot more time with them if they were inside. It will also make managing bad behaviour easier... Merry is a bully n poor cassis is becoming under weight as he steals all her food ATM. Difficult to manage in their current set up.

I was just wondering if anyone has any tips? I'm thinking of getting a large dog crate for their housing... With a load of pretty extras for entertainment.


Oh I forgot to ask which room would be better... There's a quiet corner in the kitchen/diner where we eat and cook and draw, easy to clean floor and probably easiest room to bunny proof or the living room where we relax and spend most of our time, carpet floor and noisier... Which would be best?

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I'd initially go for the dining area, until you find out whether they'll attempt to dig at your soft furnishings or chew your woodwork ;). Kitchen areas are probably easier to bunny-proof but make sure you can separate them when you're cooking and carrying hot pans etc. A dog crate makes a good base but it's not big enough to shut them in. Even a large crate is only about 4ft x 2ft. Most people use them by leaving the door open and attaching puppy pannels to increase the space so you might want to think about doing that.

It's lovely having them indoors, especially in winter!
Yeah I have a wire run that they use outside at the moment which I can easily bring in to attach when they are put in the crate. Ideally I want them to be free range eventually, but I'm gonna take it gradually. I think your right, the kitchen/diner is probably the safest best to start with. I can't wait to bring them in! I'd do it now to be honesty but I'm gonna get everything set up for them over the next few days and then bring them in. I can't wait!

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I've started Winston in the kitchen. He started with a cage base and run attached but now is free range in there. We are moving him to the living room once he's been neutered though because that's where my OH and I spend most of our time. We've been letting him in the living room when we are in and it's been so lovely to have him in there and he loves it. So you could start in the kitchen and then potentially aim to move them into the living room when you've established their litter habits and if they are likely to dig or chew furniture?
That sounds like a great idea :) thank you for your advice! Any tips in terms of litter training or set up?

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I start by placing a litter tray in every corner. Put some dirty litter into each one so that it smells 'right' for bunny and then just observe where they like to toilet. Hopefully it'll be in one of the trays you've put out. Then you can place a tray where they like to go, each time placing a small scoop of dirty litter into the clean tray until they're fully trained. Bunnies like to poo and chew so it's a good idea to place a handful of their favourite hay in each tray as it will encourage them to eat their hay and poop at the same time.
I second what Mackers has said. If they are in a pen put a couple of litter trays in the pen as well as a couple outside the pen for when they have free range time. I also add yummy forage to the hay to make it extra tempting :) Then when they are using the litter trays reliably you can extend the pen or take it away completely depending how big the room is. Eventually you can take away a few litter trays and just leave their favourite ones :)
They seem to be using it pretty well so far, but are refusing to come out of their crate... I've left the door en and the closest I see is a nose and then they're back in again... Have I done something wrong or does it usually take a few days for them to pluck up the courage to venture out?

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