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Is a rabbit limp really obvious?


Warren Veteran
Lilly doesn't look like she's limping at all, but she did have a little "incident" earlier

I fell asleep on the sofa and she was asleep on her ikea dolls bed, I woke up and stretched, she'd forgotten I was in the room and freaked out flew over her carry case falling off the other side and ran under the dining table chairs tripping on all the wood supports between the legs and flinging her legs everywhere, it looked very injury inducing!

I've squeezed all her paws whilst giving her head rubs and she didn't complain and she stood on her back legs to grab her food bowl with her front paws at dinner time, she's hopping around happily... but I don't know if i'd be able to recognise a rabbit limp :oops: are they obvious? Does anyone have any good videos of a limping rabbit?

She has her appetite and is acting normally so I think I'm just being over cautious, but I'm so worried she hurt herself, it was very noisy!
Hi, I would think if she had really hurt herself she would be holding a paw up or not bearing full weight. Its a good sign that she is eating, moving around & seems happy. I would keep a check for any changes or swelling that could appear later, but hopefully it just looked worse than it was & no harm done. My bun sleeps heavily & I'm always worried about him bolting & hurting himself if something scares him. Twice this week I've actually checked to see if he's breathing as he's absolutely sparko. They are such a worry!
Hi, I would think if she had really hurt herself she would be holding a paw up or not bearing full weight. Its a good sign that she is eating, moving around & seems happy. I would keep a check for any changes or swelling that could appear later, but hopefully it just looked worse than it was & no harm done. My bun sleeps heavily & I'm always worried about him bolting & hurting himself if something scares him. Twice this week I've actually checked to see if he's breathing as he's absolutely sparko. They are such a worry!

Thanks :)

She's absolutely fine today :D binkying and running with no obvious issues so I'm not worried about her phew!
When Neo and my leg collided, both of us moved at the same time = obvious problem :lol:

He basically dragged himself, walking like a normal animal and just collapsing to sit down... very traumatic to watch!

If your rabbit really hurts then they really won't move or weight bear!