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Non cuddly bond?


Mama Doe
Is this a thing?
Doris and Pepper are STILL happily uninterested in each other. I've lost count of how many dates they've had now, and have decided to leave them together in their bonding pen under close supervision.
They eat together, Doris grooms Pepper very very occasionally, Pepper flops and goes to sleep (Doris doesn't, but I haven't seen a flop yet, she hasn't been with us long).
No humping, chasing or full pulling, but no snuggling either.
OH thinks they're just 'mates, not a couple'.
Not sure what to do next so thought I'd see if anyone more experienced than me has any thoughts...?
Apricot and Ginger, my sisters who were a pair and are now half of my quad, never groomed each other, or flopped out together, and they still never groom each other or the boys even to this day, nearly a year after quad bonding :shock: When Beano first groomed them during bonding they were like :shock: what an earth :shock::lol: I think they're just a bit reserved/standoffish :lol:
My new pair who are mother and son spend very little time together.They will eat together and sleep at the same time but not near each other.Ive seen no grooming but no chasing either.They been officially bonded for 4 weeks ie neutered at the rescue they came from and then re introduced.Its early days though and im hoping they may get closer.My other 2 are rarely apart.
I think this is a thing yes. My two boys obviously aren't a ''couple'' but they do love one another. They eat together, groom at the same time, sleep next to one another. But only rarely do they do the full out bunny flop. Finn usually tries to flop against Milo but Milo is off like a shot. I've only even seen them both flopped out together maybe twice in the whole time I've had them. :wave:
Thanks for your replies :)
We had just 1 tiny bit of friskyness in the night, other than that it's just more comfortably sitting around!
Good luck with it all.My other pair are really close now but it took a good 8 months for them to get cuddly.He was standoffish and she was constantly asking for grooms.Eventually he decided he loved her really.:lol::love:
Good luck with it all.My other pair are really close now but it took a good 8 months for them to get cuddly.He was standoffish and she was constantly asking for grooms.Eventually he decided he loved her really.:lol::love:

I think that's how these 2 will be.
There's been no fighting at all, just Pepper asking for a cuddle and Doris saying no, except every now and again when she seems to give in.
The difficult part is knowing when they will be ready to move outside, as I've always used the snuggling/grooming stage as an indication that they are ready...?
I think I'd leave them together in the bonding pen all the time rather than the dates, and move them outside once you are happy with them for at least 2 days, preferably more, in a space that's equivalent to the space they will have outside.
I think I'd leave them together in the bonding pen all the time rather than the dates, and move them outside once you are happy with them for at least 2 days, preferably more, in a space that's equivalent to the space they will have outside.

Thanks :)
They've been in the bonding pen since yesterday and are still acting the same, I'll see how they go today.

The hutch outside is 2ft longer than the pen, but the pen is an indoor cage so can't be extended. Might be easier to somehow shrink how much access they have to the hutch to start with.
It does sound like they are sorting it out if Pepper is always the instigator and Doris is always the one saying no.If that varied I think that would be slightly more worrying if you see what I mean.The fact that Pepper flops when with Doris is obviously a good sign.I think that because its becoming clear cut who is in charge and that part is getting sorted they just need time to "make friends".My 2 are exactly the same at the moment and this seems to be the same stage they have reached.
Hope they settle down soon.