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Can I see your Hutch to run runarounds please???


Mama Doe
Im trying to figure out where to put the pipes in the hutch and the run. The tube wasnt quite as flexible as I thought it would be and the run is quite close to the hutch. I could turn the run round so theres a bit more room between them. Also I need to think of where the litter tray is in the hutch etc. Any ideas would be greatly appriciated x

This is what Im working with
This is my runaround set-up. It's an old picture but nothing really has changed. I am actually going to change it in the summer as I am building a new run for the bunnies. I plan on putting the runaround doors through the side of the hutch, instead of on the mesh doors.

You can put the runaround in at quite steep angles and the bunnies go through no problems. You could also cut the pipe down if you think that is the best option.
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am going to be following this thread closely to,ordered a runaround 8ftx4ft binky box with the connecting pipe and doors yesterday, nice setup snowflake-george.
Im guessing the way Ive got my garden the pipe will need to go in a slight 's' shape. But at the moment its more of a 'c' and Im worried it'll pull too much on the mesh of the run. x
I'm a bit late here but...
I changed the shape of our runaround pipe by using the hoops it came with to stake it into the ground in the shape I wanted it. Left it a few hours and when I took the hoops out it stayed in place.

Might be worth trying? :wave:
I'm a bit late here but...
I changed the shape of our runaround pipe by using the hoops it came with to stake it into the ground in the shape I wanted it. Left it a few hours and when I took the hoops out it stayed in place.

Might be worth trying? :wave:

Its all done now. We switched the run round and cut the pipe so it fitted :)
That looks good. :thumb: If you have any spare pipe you could always put in the run for the bunnies to play in or use it as a ramp up to another level.

It's fabulous to see bunnies adapting to new set-ups and trying the runaround pipe for the first time.
When we bonded George and Harry, it was funny watching Harry build up the courage to use the pipe as it has about a 3ft curved drop. But once she saw George do it she was down after him. :love:

Its all done now. We switched the run round and cut the pipe so it fitted :)