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Alfie would have been 4 today


Young Bun
Alfie would have been 4 today, I can't believe instead of celebrating his birthday with him with his favourite rabbit muffins and a new jingly ball, I'm writing a post in the Rainbow Bridge forum :(

He's been gone for just over 2 months now and I miss him so much. I am still heartbroken that he was taken too soon from us, I wish I could have done more for him. I am still glad every day that I chose him from the pet shop and gave him a much longer life than he probably would have had with anyone else. I am still angry with the amount of genetic conditions rabbits from pet shops have, but I wouldn't have changed Alfie for the world. He was so affectionate and sweet and the most beautiful colour, anyone who ever met him or saw a photo of him said how gorgeous he was. He honestly was the best rabbit anyone could ever have and I was lucky to share just over 3 short years with him.

I have started growing some lavender bushes in memory of him, lavender was his favourite and I know he would have gone crazy over seeing 3 different lavender bushes in the garden!

Happy birthday Alfie, wherever you are I hope you're binkying and having fun. Remember I will always love you and miss you like crazy


Alfie landed on his paws when he found a home with you. He was obviously well cared for and loved. A very lucky bunny. Many never get to know such kindness in their lives.

Rest easy at the bridge sweet Alfie. xx