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does age matter?


Mama Doe
when bonding two bunnies a male female pair- does it matter if their is quite a large age gap? say 5 years?
when bonding two bunnies a male female pair- does it matter if their is quite a large age gap? say 5 years?

From what I've read I don't think so, although there will be the obvious problem of when the older bun passes you will have to deal with a lone bunny. My bun is 5 and it took me a while to find a rescue rabbit the same age to bond him with.
Usually age and size differences do not make any difference, it's all down to the bunnies' personalities. Bear in mind though that any great age differences could bring about other problems though. An older bunny may not be as mobile and as active as a younger one and would need more time to rest, diet's may be need to be different too. Just some points to consider beforehand. If you are considering adopting a bunny from a rescue, then hopefully the rescue should be able to choose a few prospective and appropriate partners for your bunny and then the rest is up to them....the bunnies that is!!:thumb:

Best of luck.