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Beige, Oxo and Franc at Rainbow Bridge


Wise Old Thumper
Three rabbits under Rainbow Bridge.

Oxo: Franc hey man, good to see you, pull up a bale.
Beige: It's not good to see him, it's tragic, like me he was taken in his prime.
Oxo: Beige stop being so dramatic, I likes it here, I don't have gammy legs any more I spends all day chasing dead Does around the meadows and there's no asparagus.
Beige: Yes but I had to leave my true love behind, I miss those lilac knickers and drinking carrot vodka late into the night from one of LJ's china tea cups... (Beige looks wistfully into the waters below the bridge) I suppose no asparagus is one good thing though.
Oxo: Well I had to leaves my new girlfriend Katniss Mullins behind and now she is looking for a new buckfriend!
Beige: That's Does for you.
Oxo: Franc is looking a bit dazed? It might be all the Metacam he had before he came to the Bridge. Man I miss Metacam.
Beige: If he looks dazed now he certainly will later once Hope has seen him, she knows about Truffle and Beryl.
Oxo: Don't worry Franc Does are much more forgiving here at the Bridge. I thinks they puts something in the water. Anyways, you will want to know why I needed to talk to you urgently, it was about our fund-raising project, our 'Guide to Naughtiness'...
Franc: (Opens mouth to speak but before he has chance Beige pipes up)
Beige: What 'Guide to Naughtiness'?
Oxo: Franc and I were going to write a manual to fundraise for BARC, I wrote the opening quiz 'How Naughty are you' and before I could email it to Aunty Angie, I was taken very ill and ended up here at the Bridge.
Beige: So you two were going to right a naughtiness guide without my input, Oxo, Oxo, Oxo I am and always will be the King of naughtiness, even here at the Bridge I have already received several written warnings from Great Uncle Beige the Third. I can't believe you two would even think about writing a guide without me. Franc? (Looks at Franc questioningly, Franc opens his mouth to speak but Beige jumps in) I'm hurt Oxo, very hurt. What did Big my sister say about it?
Oxo: Big didn't know, anyways I thought you would be watching from the Bridge, I thought you would know what we were up to?
Beige: I don't waste my time watching what goes on down there (looks again to the water flowing under Rainbow Bridge) I'm too busy up here being naughty. Well it is too late now to write the guide now you are here at the Bridge there is no way you would get it back.
Oxo: But as I said I had already written the opening quiz, if I can get a message back to Big, she can email the quiz to Aunty Angie and we could still do a mini fundraiser for BARC.
Beige: I see, so basically what you are saying is you are going to cash in on Franc's untimely death?... I likes it, Oxo that might just work, I will have a word with the Tweets, see what they can do about contacting Big, it's getting to the time of year when there are plenty of over excited Tweets around, I am sure we can get one of them to help.
Oxo: What do you think about that Franc... Franc?
Beige: Where is he?
Oxo: Where has he’s gone?
Beige: I'll text his welcome officer, we don't want that big dozy lop, dazed and loose at the Bridge anything could happen.
Oxo: Yes he might need a period of adjustment, I know I did. Beige are you OK?
Beige: I was just wondering... wondering if I could get a message back to my best friend Dudley?
Oxo: What do you want to tell him?
Beige: That I misses him and... (Beige pulls himself together) that he needs to get my pirate chest off Big, She's causing havoc down there with some of the contents and she hasn't opened half the stuff in there yet! Anyways look at the time, I have to go, I have to watch over LJ while she sleeps.
Oxo: Oh yes and I needs to check on the football results, I needs to send some of my lucky black rabbit vibes down to Sheffield Wednesday, theys not doing very well and Uncle John is not happy. He's still got my lucky scarf but I needs to be wearing it or it won't work.
Beige: Oxo you are the unluckiest black rabbit I know, you had e-cuniculi three times and ended up dragging your gammy legs!
Oxo: That's might be the case Beige but I also had mummy rabbit Lavender, The Mummy and Uncle John to love me and they never gave up on me. Getting to eight years wasn't bad for a bunneh with all my ailments.
Beige: I suppose you are right. My death wasn't easy, five years is no age at all, it happened so quickly. Of course I planned it for maximum affect, New Year’s Eve 2013 and all that... and Big was with me. She was there at the beginning and there at the end. I miss picking on her.
Oxo: Yes you were good at that.
Beige: Yes I was. And why? Because I am The King of Naughtiness!
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Oh - I love that :thumb:

Thankyou for posting that - it really made me smile and some how feel so much better about the animals I have loved and lost over the years:D

Looking forward to the naughy quiz now.

Thank you.

What I was able to read was beautiful (sight a bit blurred by tears :roll:) - oh dear, I can just imagine little Luna with her helicopter ears, having a wonderful time. Hope I see a robin today to send her a kiss from her sister and us.

And I love how they have the daily routines - our bunnies do love their routines don't they.

I hope that one day when I get to the human bridge, that I am able to go and visit - now that would be heaven :thumb:

Okay - time to stop being soppy and get back to some work.:roll:
Please check the fundraising section, just waiting for the Naughtiness Quiz to be approved by mods.