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Bunny sick or moody? Kinda long


Young Bun
Hi all, was looking for a bit of advice on my rabbit, she is just over a year old, spayed, vacinated, and bonded to a neutered male. I have had her since she was 8 weeks and she has never been ill. She was last checked out by a vet last month when she had her combined vacine, and had a clean bill of health.

On Saturday we moved home. The rabbits had been living in a shed outside, but had both previously been housebuns (last winter). With winter setting in, and with the move, I decided to take them indoors. Initially on Saturday, she settled in well, after exploring she was eating and pooing fine, and even did a few binkies. Yesterday the same, eating, pooing, binkying and playing with her partner.

Last night I went to give them their dinner at about 10pm. She refused, but my boy was fine and tucked right in. She was very unnerved and was hiding in her tunnel. The last time she had eaten was at about 6pm, when she ate a few SS nuggets (as a treat), but I was very very concerned because she normally attacks me at dinner time and will knock her partner out of the way for food! Anyway, this went on for a while, I called the emergency vet. It was a vet that shares out of hours cover with my normal vet, who are rabbit savvy and I am happy with. However, when I spoke to this vet, I was not filled with confidence at all. I explained I was very concerned about her not eating and hiding and that I knew she could go downhill quickly if she doesn't eat, but on the other hand, if the behaviour was as a result of the stress of moving, I did not want to stress her even more with a) trying to "catch" her as she was hiding from me, b) car journey to the vets. He basically said either of those are a possibility and it will cost £xxx if I do want to go. No more in the way of advice or anything. My gut instinct was that taking her to this particular vet would not be a good idea.

I did check her bum, which was clean, and her ears were not hot or cold, and her eyes were clean. This is about the extent of what I know how to check myself.

I was really worried and spoke to my mum on the phone who said STOP worrying, she is upset because of the move, the transition of moving indoors from being outdoors, she is not ill, and it is only expected she would be a bit stressed from the move, she ate at 6pm, and she had pooed, and I should just leave her be. Which I did. When I left her she was stretched out on a blanket, but a bowl of parsley untouched.

This morning, she greeted me looking for food, and ate her pellets, and then when they finished what was in the bowl I hand fed her a few more which she ate, but not with her usual gusto. Just before I went to work she was in her litter tray, nibbled a bit of hay, but again, not digging in with her usual enthusiasm. The parsley from the night before had gone, but don't know who ate it.

I just wanted any opinions on this, in particular the likely affect of changing environments on her behaviour. Also, I always thought that the bunny lying stretched out was a sign of being relaxed, however could it be putting her tummy against the floor which is a sign of pain? I do not know whether I am making things up now and worrying for nothing. Sorry for the long post.

It is likely that she is stressed by such big changes. BUT obviously I cannot give you a 100% guarantee as that is impossible without examining her. I assume that she is continuing to poo as normal and is drinking and weeing OK ?

Do you have some familiar items from her previous accommodation that you could provide for her ? Also, try to keep to your previous routine with feeding etc.

If you remain concerned then really a Vet check is your best option as it is impossible to give a diagnosis over the internet.

I hope she will soon feel more settled :)
It could be the transition into the house has upset her but the stress from that could also give her gut trouble. You do not want one problem creating another! I would keep things calm, quiet and normal and watch her very, very carefully and if she is still not back to herself in a few days get your vet to check her over.
Thank you for your quick replies, that is really helpful. And I totally understand you cannot give me a definitive answer from an internet post :)

The food and water bowls and litter trays are from her old home, so she is familiar with them. It has been a while since she lived indoors and I suppose she is hearing alot of noises she is not used to, and also of course the temperature is higher than in the shed.

It is difficult for me to say whether she has been drinking water because I haven't seen her drink since last night, but that isn't to say she hasnt, and as the water is in a bowl not a bottle. I changed their litter just before their dinner last night and all was normal there, however with having two buns sharing trays/bowls etc it is difficult to know for sure who is doing what.

Leaving work a bit early today to get back and check on her, poor little lady.