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The kennel is coming tomorrow!!!!!


Warren Veteran
I am SOOOOOO excited!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

this is nearly 3 years of planning!! its gone from a hutch, to shed, to wendy house, and finally settled on a kennel!!

many many many hours of arugments and tears, and its finally happening!!!!

I will finally be able to say YES my rabbit are in the correct size accomidation woop!!!!!
Looking forward to seeing pics. All of my buns got new accommodation this year and moved from their sheds into purpose built kennels.

I'm delighted with mine - they're brill!

Is it being put up for you, or are you DIY-ing?
Looking forward to seeing pics. All of my buns got new accommodation this year and moved from their sheds into purpose built kennels.

I'm delighted with mine - they're brill!

Is it being put up for you, or are you DIY-ing?

put up for me :) they are coming down from linconshire im just worried about the rain! the patio is SO muddy, its got like a layer of sludge on it, gona hose it tomorrow but duno if that will make it worse :/

also have to do afew things inside before buns can go in, put down lino, put metal strips on, fit the cat flap etc, im gona try and see if they will fit that for me, but hate asking haha!

so I reckon my next week tues/wed time they will be in! :)

got loads more things to get for it but don;t get paid until 16th! so the faffy things like new toys, and accessories will have to wait until then! x
eeek woo!! whos going in the shed?

Donny and Lola! Their set up atm is driving me mental.. I get soaked when it rains and so do they!

I'll have a spare 6ft hutch then.. ;) my bf said no more rabbits until we move out :( didn't say anything about guinea pigs though ;) :lol: he wants to modify it and make it better when the weathers nicer :thumb:
Donny and Lola! Their set up atm is driving me mental.. I get soaked when it rains and so do they!

I'll have a spare 6ft hutch then.. ;) my bf said no more rabbits until we move out :( didn't say anything about guinea pigs though ;) :lol: he wants to modify it and make it better when the weathers nicer :thumb:

ahaha you could have like 5 pigs in a 6ft hutch ha! yh i hate getting wet, i still will be tho as my pigs and crunchie are in a normal hutch!