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myxo map?


Alpha Buck
is there a map on line anywhere showing where hot spots for domestic rabbits catching myxo are?
getting a little paranoid here. have 2 going for combined jab on Monday as their 6 monthly single jab will be starting to wear off- and their breeder was very stern about make sure get them boostered by October.
their breeder told me that the time she was hit badly by it was a few years ago and it was October/November - seems weird as your'd think midge /flea population drops with cooler weather but she reckoned others were hit badly following late autumn/early winter too.
No idea about the map I'm afraid but interested in seeing if someone replies with the knowledge of one!

I do no that midges and mosquitoes prefer a wet summer and that is ideal breeding so more will be around and it is common for them to be around in the autumn too, this could all contribute to a high number about :(
I am not sure about a current map but I would be happy to begin one on google maps if people could confirm outbreaks. Then it can be put as a sticky if the mods agree.

Let me know if people are interested. :thumb::thumb::thumb:
:wave: Hi, not sure about the map but there is a thread on here where people post recent myxomatosis outbreaks - worth a look. I'd paste the thread here but that goes way beyond my IT skills :oops: please let me know how to do it if you know.xx
All you need to do is copy the link from the address bar in the myxi post, then go to this post and then click the little globe symbol. A new box will come up. Delete the http:// and paste the link in.
It would be a good idea to shock people that don't vaccinate into vaccinating but to be honest I think everywhere in the country has myxi, maybe not widespread in pets but in wildies, and not all will be reported so people might feel a fake sense of security, 'no myxi in my area, lets not bother vaccinating'
It would be a good idea to shock people that don't vaccinate into vaccinating but to be honest I think everywhere in the country has myxi, maybe not widespread in pets but in wildies, and not all will be reported so people might feel a fake sense of security, 'no myxi in my area, lets not bother vaccinating'

Oh gosh what a worrying thought! I always vaccinate my buns whether there's an outbreak or not, it's not worth the risk. X
That is true. Vaccination is the only option. If for the shock factor making a map would make even one person vaccinate then it would be a good thing. But likewise I would not want people to think its not in there area so they don't vaccinate.

It's a tough call.
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mm i think map would be helpful- easier to absorb at a glance then a long thread. those determined not to vaccinate won't anyhow as they won't even be looking at rabbit forums. its the detail that a lot of these cases are in towns and cities that i think would shock on a map of cases and might make the ditherers a little more inclined. My family all think i am utterly mad vaccinating as live in middle of birmingham and definatly no wild rabbits within many many miles-and mine don't meet other rabbits and we know no other rabbits in surrounding gardens as pets. showing case on map makes it clear not a purely countryside problem at a glance- and a note underneath pointing out majority of cases unreported or don't even make it to a vet would emphasis the issue too.