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Are stairs safe for bunnies???


Warren Scout
My bunny lives on the bottom floor of my house and I would like him to have a bit more space........ the stairs are normal steepness but are NOT carpeted. Is it possible to just lay down something to make them less slippery??? Or are stairs in general not safe?
mine loves stairs but they're the only bit of the house which is carpeted. I think you would definitely need to put something down to give them some grip
Mine are ok on the stairs, but sometimes they get over-excited and try to jump 2 or 3 at once on the way up, which results in a bit of a scrabble. I don't think they'd do very well with that if they weren't carpeted!
Hi :wave:
My bunnies Harry and Daisy love going up and down the stairs, ours have carpet if they did'nt i would be a bit concerned as i think they may slip. Harry likes to sit on a step and watch whats going on in the kitchen! We did used to have a bunny who used to race up the stairs at 6am and come into the bedroom every morning to tell us she was ready for breakfast :D
Doughnut is downstairs and once she jumped up half way up the stairs. She couldn't get down though. She's good at jumping up things and not jumping down. When she does jump down she jumps quite far away so obviously on stairs this isn't possible. She sort of slipped down one but I could see her tumbling all the way to the bottom so I got her carrier and she jumped in and I took her down. She hasn't gone up there since, even though she has access to it.
Bunnies are better at going up stairs rather than down. Thet are at risk of going head over heels coming down so carpetted stairs would be safer. Also they can't see straight ahead!
We don't have carpet on our stairs they are just painted white :shock:

When Bluebell goes up she jumps up 3 at a time but seems to manage even though it doesnt look very gracefull....When she goes down she takes one at a time at a bit of an angle because shes quite big. Sometimes I hear her falling down the last few steps i think she gets a bit faster when she can see the floor. She does manage though. Her husband wont go up the stairs he is a complete wuss :lol:
Bunnies are better at going up stairs rather than down. Thet are at risk of going head over heels coming down so carpetted stairs would be safer. Also they can't see straight ahead!

Actually thats why Bluebell goes down at a bit if an angle because she can't see in front of her!