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Bonding two already bonded pairs - anyone had any experience??


Mama Doe
I've just been offered two boy bonded buns by a bloke at work (usual story, son has lost interest etc) I've said I'll think about it but just wondered if anyone could answer the following:

I'm assuming it's more difficult to bond two pairs rather than just two buns but could I end up with 3 bonded bunnies and one being left out or would they be more likely to want to stay in their pairs if they didn't want to bond.

Does the sex of the bondings make a difference? (ie this would be a boy/girl pair bonding with a boy/boy pair) All are neutered.

And now this may sound a bit daft but would my two think that I don't love them anymore if I introduce two new buns?? (I'm guessing bunnies don't really think like that and they'll either love having more friends or not - I'm irrelevant)!

Do you think that a 8ft x 15ft run with a 2 floor 8ft hutch will be big enough for four? (here's a linky to what their accommodation looks like http://forums.rabbitrehome.org.uk/s...-bunny-housing-advice-suggestions-tips-please ).


Jo x
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Have you read the sticky about trios at the top of this forum? The same pretty much applies to quads too.

In addition to all on that thread I would say to ensure you thoroughly quarantine them well away from your pair because you never know what they might be carrying.
I originally had 2 boy/girl pairs who were bonded to a quad (I didnt do the bond). Depends on personality but having 3 boys might be a bit male heavy.
Thanks guys ...... I'll look at that sticky and yeah I was worried about it being 3 boys.

To be honest I really don't know what to do, its a bit of a dilemma.

He has someone who will take the bunnies for him if I don't take them.

I wasn't looking to make my pair into a quad but the place he's going to send them he hasn't even seen. Its a friend of his neighbour apparently who has a farm and keeps bunnies and chickens!!!!!

Not sure if that sounds dodgy to anyone else or if its just my over active imagination??

I'd take them to stop them going somewhere horrible but I don't want to do anything at the expense of my own bunnies ...... and I really haven't got the room in the garden to house two separate bunnies (well not in the size of accommodation that Dizzi and Rascal have) there'd be nowhere left to sit in the garden.

I've told him I'll let him know after the bank holiday so I have time to really think it through and do a bit of research.

I'm really not sure though.

What would you do??


Jo x