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Do Bunnies Dream?


Warren Veteran
I looked over at Stevie earlier and he was lying, eyes closed, like a little bunny meatloaf (so cute), but it looked like he was nibbling the carpet! I almost got up to tell him off for being naughty and realised that he was fast asleep, and was just wiggling his nose and mouth and swaying his head from side to side! Is this a normal bunny thing? Or should I be concerned?
Normal :)

My Herbie does it often, and him and Inca also twitch a lot when deep in a sleep.

It's cute!
Aww :)

Thank you for putting my mind at ease. He looked really cute when I realised he wasn't eating my carpet :thumb:
Mine do this too! In fact the first time I ever saw Boris sleeping, I thought he was having some kind of seizure as all of his limbs were twitching! He was probably dreaming that he was running bless him :lol: He wasn't amused at being woken up by a panicky mum either! Nowadays I very rarely see them sleep properly, and when I do it's usually Bella. I often find her flopped out, completely away with the fairies :lol: She doesn't seem to dream very much though.
Aww poor Boris!! :p I really did think that Stevie was nibbling the carpet, I got ready to leap off the sofa and shout at him, fortunately, I didn't as he was completely out of it! He isn't sleeping anymore though, in fact he looks positively unimpressed that I had to disturb him to put the clothes horse up to dry some clothes - sorry Stephen! :roll:
Haha! My two really glare at me when I disturb their beauty sleep :lol: It's almost a little intimidating :shock::lol:
Isn't it wonderful to watch them dreaming!! Mine were flopped indoors last night, completely exhausted from the heat and both were dreaming. Dusty was chewing her blanket and Bobak's cheeks were twitching loads! Have to admit the first time I saw Bobak dreaming I was concerned something was wrong!! :oops:
Aww, cute dreaming bunnies :)
I'll have to try and catch Stevie on video, it looked like he was nomming his favourite dream in his sleep!