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Can i pick him up?.........

Lauren xx

New Kit

This isn't a behaviour problem just after some advice if anyone has any......

My french lop Dylan is 16 months and i've had him since a baby, i think i'm doing pretty well as a bunny mummy; i have done lots of research and always try and do the best for him. I don't have children so Dylan is my baby........... I initially read that rabbits don't like to be picked up, however, i am aware that alot of people do pick their buns up for cuddles and they sit on their laps.
Dylan doesn't do this, he likes alot of fuss and will sit next to me 4 ages while i scratch his nose and ears but sometimes if i am sat on the bed he will look up at me and i want to pick him up but he won't let me. Does anyone else pick their buns up or is it true that they dont want to be picked up? Or does anyone have any advice as to whether or not i can start trying to encourage Dylan on to my lap for 'cuddles'.

He's so lovely and absolutely beautiful that i just wanna cuddle him!!!...........................:D
As a general rule, rabbits do not like to be picked up. It can be even worse for large breeds due to their weight, it's not possible to support their weight evenly.

You get the odd one who does like it, but the vast majority don't. Mine will tolerate it for a few minutes if I have to do it (like to cut their nails) but they don't enjoy it whatsoever!
i never attempt to pick mine up unless we go to the vets as they get so stressed by it especially bumble

ruthie xxx
I have an article on my website about handling which explains how it can feel from a rabbit's point of view. I have many that don't like it, but have to tolerate it. It doesn't scare them though, they just dislike it. The only one it scares I handle the absolute minimal amount.
Thank you all for the comments, that is what i read initially so never picked him up and i would never want to pick him up if it scared him but i saw someone cuddling their bun a while back and thought i'd see if it was possible but i feel happier now, i can carry on sitting at his level and fussing him :D