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I think Olivia hates my husband?


Young Bun
I have recently noticed that my bunny seems to not like my husband, or anyone for that matter...except me. She will come to me, she will let me love on her, pet her...anything. She loves coming out of her hutch, when i walk past it she comes to the door and stands up for me to let her out. When I open the door she jets out and rubs her chin all over me. But if my husband goes to the hutch or opens the door she will not come out unless im there or he walks away. He wants so bad to be able to pet her and love on her but when he tries she stomps her feet and grunts at him. Why does she do this? Does she not like him? Is she only bonded to me? How can I help my husband be able to touch her and have fun with her too? I just dont understand???:?
My bunny Muffin used to do this to my dad! He spent ages sitting in his run with food, letting him just come over when he wants to and talking to him and stuff. Eventually he came around :)
She will take food and treats from him all day...as long as he does it through the hutch door. She wont take it if shes out. He has sat down in the floor and tried to hand her treats and food and she sniffs it and then stomps her feet and runs. Sometimes I think its a game to her...i dont know.
Is she spayed?

Before I had Tinkerbell spayed, when she hit puberty she used to jump up onto Hubby's lap and bite him several times, she never did it to anyone else, just him!

It stopped once she was spayed.
Does he ever sit down near her and just ignore her? Some rabbits need to explore you before you pet them.

Also some just don't like a certain sex. My Smudge does not like men, even the voice of a strange man downstairs is enough to make him hide away. Whereas he is more tolerate of women. He just about tolerates my dad and will let him stroke him on occasion.
Our Poppet prefers men (any men!), whilst Cookie and Ricky prefer to be fed and petted by women. It got better after they were spayed, but there is still a clear preference. I find it very interesting to watch (tho OH's feelings are a little hurt when Cookie and Ricky runs away from him).
No she is not spayed yet. I took her to the vet the other day and got an estimate to get her spayed. So im waiting for my husbands overtime to hit in february and then I will be doing the surgery. He hasnt tried sitting down and ignoring her yet, but I think we are gonna try that today. I have been watching her lately and I really feel like sometimes she is playing a game with him. Its like she knows that she has the upper hand in this matter. She knows that he cant touch her unless she allows it. I think its fun to her. But other times, she is truly nervous/scared. Am I crazy for thinking that?
No she is not spayed yet. I took her to the vet the other day and got an estimate to get her spayed. So im waiting for my husbands overtime to hit in february and then I will be doing the surgery. He hasnt tried sitting down and ignoring her yet, but I think we are gonna try that today. I have been watching her lately and I really feel like sometimes she is playing a game with him. Its like she knows that she has the upper hand in this matter. She knows that he cant touch her unless she allows it. I think its fun to her. But other times, she is truly nervous/scared. Am I crazy for thinking that?

My Hubby used to be just sitting watching telly when Tinkerbell attacked him!

I personally never put Human emotions onto an animal, I personally believe they don't rationally behave that way!