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Has anyone attached a runaround tube to a run without using an official door?


Wise Old Thumper
If so can you explain how you did it and possibly provide pics? It's a bit complicated but basically I'm moving their run off the grass onto the patio because I don't want them to have to hop around in a mudbath and also the heat off the house will be nice for them.

To do that I need to extend their tubes and they already have 2 x 8 ft tubes and I don't want to make a straight run of 24ft as I feel it's a bit unfair on them. So I'm going to build my own mesh narrow run about 6ft x 2ft, and attach the shed to a tube to the homemade run to a tube to the run! I really don't have the money to spend £45 on two runaround doors that I'm only going to use for a few months a year, so yeah any ideas would be appreciated!
ive attached the tubes to a wire door,dont know if you can tell from the pic but i used some cable ties and tied some wire to the door,then i cut out a round space big enough to push the tube through,then i just used cable ties again to tie the tube to the wire door

We cut out a square of mesh and bolted on 2 pieces of wood, so the mesh is sandwiched between the wood. The wood has a hole for the tube to go through. We wound wire round the tube and tied it to a nail on the outside so the tube can't be pulled out.
Thanks for those pics and descriptions , definitely looks doable now ! Just wondering where I can get some wire from :D
i got a roll of wire from the poundshop but they wont have it now with it been out of season,you could go to b&q/homebase,sometimes they have pannnels of wire,which are about £5-6,so depending on how many door-ways you want to do