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2 questions in 1

Misty's Mummy

Warren Scout
Sorry for asking so many questions already (i only joined last night) :oops:

The first question is : Lifting

Im having difficulty trying to pick misty up. She thumps at me and runs away, and if i do manage to catch her she kicks, which im not concerned about me getting hurt (which will probably hurt alot lol), its more if she hurts herself (ive read they can break their spine etc). Its got the the stage i need to cover her face with a towel but even then she sometimes kicks.
Should i just accept she dosent like it and firgure out other ways to get her to her play pen etc or show her who's boss? I dont want to upset her or stress her out. I do interact with her and if she is out playing she will come sniff me and let me stroke her, she just freaks out at being picked up, which freaks me out!:cry:

2nd question: Nail clippings.

We clip our 3 gpigs nails and have attempted to do mistys.

How far can you cut and How often do they need clipping?

Is it best taking her to the vets to get them clipped, specially as she dosent like being handled.
Buckley, like many bunnies, is the same, as such we only handle him when he is in a "bunny burrito" (searchable on youtube). An easier way to get your bunny to the playpen is to carry them in their travel carrier. It will also help her to associate the carrier with play time and not vet time :)
Another way to reduce the need to pick her up is the make it so she can get to the playpen by herself by attaching it to her base :)

I have found with Buckley that asserting dominance is useless. He already knows I'm the boss but that doesn't mean I have the right to remove him from his comfort zone. He seems to see it as an abuse of my position as his superior. Indeed, after attempting to pick him up he makes displays of dominance himself. It's his way of reminding me that he allows me to be the boss out of courtesy.

With regards to nail clipping, it is possible to clip the nails of a bunny without lifting them up at all. Our vet does this for Buckley.
I prefer having the vet do the clipping as it is much harder to see the claws when the bunny is sitting normally, and you have to gently manipulate his or her limbs so that you can get a finger under the paw to splay the toes and I would be worried about breaking my bunny's foot if he began to struggle. That said, he has never struggled when our vet has done his nails because no one has been trying to lift him up :)

As a guide, our vet charges about £6 for a nail clip and he does a full health check while we're there too :) The time between clips varies depending on digging, and running on concrete etc. but about 8-10 weeks has been the interval between Buckley's manicures, and he's an indoor bunny so his claws don't get much wear :)
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Regarding handling, try not to do it if you don't have to. We use the carriers for transporting where possible. Rabbits are prey animals so being picking up, hoisted in the air and grasped by a bigger animal is scary for them. There are times where it has to be done though so be positive, one hand on their bum, one hand under their front, lift and hold to your chest and move the hand under their front to their back, supporting their bum with the other hand.

You can nail clip but it can be difficult with some rabbits, especially those with dark claws. I find big clippers easier to handle and use dog ones :)shock:). I normally put them on the sofa, kneel beside it and kinda curl round them to do each paw. I don't attempt Nutmeg's anymore though, we get the vet to do her :shock:
Thanks. I think i will let her make her own way to her pen then. If she will be happier that way then thats all that counts.

I think i will just get the vet to do her nails then. Im going to phone them tomorrow and ask how much is it. Plus i'll be able to get her vaccinations sorted too.

I feel bad not being able to cuddle her, kind of feel like im neglecting her :cry:
Thanks. I think i will let her make her own way to her pen then. If she will be happier that way then thats all that counts.

I think i will just get the vet to do her nails then. Im going to phone them tomorrow and ask how much is it. Plus i'll be able to get her vaccinations sorted too.

I feel bad not being able to cuddle her, kind of feel like im neglecting her :cry:

Don't feel bad, I don't cuddle Buckley. He looks at me with disgust if I so much as think about cuddling him :lol:

If you can attach her pen or run to her cage/ hutch that'd be great because then she can play when you're asleep :)

Has your bunny been spayed yet? Once she's all spayed and vaccinated you could think about getting her a friend to snuggle with as Schuette says :)
When picking up my bunny she hated it and just scrabbled and kiced but I then spayed her and she put up with being picked up and let me cuddle her :D
I have thought about getting her a friend but im still unsure about it. I know im probably being really selfish but the last thing i want is her not accepting the other bunny and i'd need to seperate them. as she has always lived alone

I have 3 piggies who all live alone due to them fighting, so in my livingroom i have 3 gpig cages, a rabbit cage, a hamster cage and my dogs bed. lol

Im getting Misty a new cage in the near future, she is in a zoozone and i hate it with a passion. Once she gets her new cage, im going to get her brand new toys and try her with a digging box. The only toys she is interested in is toilet roll tubes. She's had loads but never bothered about them. Plus with the zoozone you cant attach any hanging chew toys as its plastic sides :censored:

I did try a digging box tonight ( well was just a tub) when she was out for playtime, just used shredded paper as its all i had and she did start digging so i put the paper in her cage with her so ive told my bf to buy beer so i can get the box, which he is obviously up for lol.

Misty is friendly apart from picking her up and she does thump at us sometimes. If you say to her" misty give me kisses" she will stand up and stick her nose through the bars for you to kiss lol.

Im going to look into getting her spayed, i dont want too put her through it if she dosent really need it?
I have thought about getting her a friend but im still unsure about it. I know im probably being really selfish but the last thing i want is her not accepting the other bunny and i'd need to seperate them. as she has always lived alone

I have 3 piggies who all live alone due to them fighting, so in my livingroom i have 3 gpig cages, a rabbit cage, a hamster cage and my dogs bed. lol

Im getting Misty a new cage in the near future, she is in a zoozone and i hate it with a passion. Once she gets her new cage, im going to get her brand new toys and try her with a digging box. The only toys she is interested in is toilet roll tubes. She's had loads but never bothered about them. Plus with the zoozone you cant attach any hanging chew toys as its plastic sides :censored:

I did try a digging box tonight ( well was just a tub) when she was out for playtime, just used shredded paper as its all i had and she did start digging so i put the paper in her cage with her so ive told my bf to buy beer so i can get the box, which he is obviously up for lol.

Misty is friendly apart from picking her up and she does thump at us sometimes. If you say to her" misty give me kisses" she will stand up and stick her nose through the bars for you to kiss lol.

Im going to look into getting her spayed, i dont want too put her through it if she dosent really need it?

All bunnies need to be neutered :) It will prevent her getting uterine cancer which, unfortunately, is very common in bunnies and I think something like 95% of unspayed bunnies will get uterine cancer by the time they're 5 :cry:

If you consider getting her a friend consider getting a bun from a rescue. Some rescues will allow you to take your bun to meet potential suitors and will do the bonding for you :) They will be able to match your bun up with another bun :)
Would definitely recommend spaying because of the risk of uterine cancer. Have you been shown the best way of picking up? They will kick if not held close to your body and with a hand under the btm for security.
As Babsie and pebbles have said she will benefit from being spayed. It eliminates the risk of cancer. It is a more involved op than for the boys but with a rabbit savvy vet the risk is a lot less than the risk of cancer. :) And it means that any bond will be a lot easier. Bonding unspayed rabbits is very hard.
Ok, i'll get Misty speyed if its for her own safety. Will need to save up some pennies first tho, she's never been vaccinated either! The pet shop we got her from are useless and gave us the wrong information!

Noones shown me how to pick her up, ive seen it on yourtube and i have tryed it with her and she dosent like it!
My two indoor buns are not big fans of being picked up - particularly at bedtime!

We've managed to get them to associate the call "rabbits!" in an excited voice with meaning "there's something delicious here!" and they come running from wherever they are (the dog normally comes along too!). I then throw the treats into their bedroom and they'll follow them in. We're now working on getting them to hop in first before they get given their treats. It's worth a go! Saves getting them wound up in the evening.

With regards to a friend for Misty, if you're worried about her not getting on with a friend the rescue centres tend to help out with the bonding and will help you find her a lovely friend - our two really don't like cuddling people but love snuggling together.

Hope this helps!
Ok, i'll get Misty speyed if its for her own safety. Will need to save up some pennies first tho, she's never been vaccinated either! The pet shop we got her from are useless and gave us the wrong information!

Noones shown me how to pick her up, ive seen it on yourtube and i have tryed it with her and she dosent like it!

The best way of picking up, I find, is to put one hand in front or behind the front legs and at the same time put the other hand under the bum and then scoop up quickly to your chest. So, your right hand would go behind the front legs, your left hand would go under the bum, then quickly turn bun round and hold to your chest. If you hold her away from you she will feel insecure and will kick out. Hope that makes sense.
some buns dont like being picked up but will come for snuggles if u sit on the floor at their level...i have a bonded pair that absolutely loath being picked up but will be transported by carrier to grass :D and they will come and have cuddles if i sit on the floor and wait for them to come to me....:wave: