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Bilbo and Maisie Say Au Revoir


Wise Old Thumper
They are going into boarding today as I'm moving house this week so its better to have them away from all the upheaval and stress. They weren't too happy about going though and I'm going to miss them :( even though its only a week :oops: but by the time they come back they will have a fab new home with their own pleasure palace (garage) and ensuite (litter trays) :lol:

Bilbo - "We're not going Mummeh no matter how many carrots you offer us!"

Putting on a united front

I'm being snubbed my Maisie who as you can see is using a rude bottom gesture to make her point.

Maisie - "I'll deal with this Bilbo *rolls up feisty lady bun sleeves*"

"We are not amused"

"We still can be bribed either by carrots or cute babies"

Cute snuggles
Hope all goes well for you and them. :wave:

Spenser is capable of going in the huff if I go out for lunch or the afternoon. :roll: I'm sure your buns will forgive you whenthey see their new accomodation.
oooh didnt realise you got the house after all :oops:

hope your buns enjoy their holiday, they are lovely :love: