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surrey to Lancashire (urgent) travel costs reimbursed


Wise Old Thumper
Posted on behalf of joannajane

hello! i would really like to post in the transport thread please! i'm rehoming my two nethies (moving abroad... ) devastated. but found them a nice home, however it's in lancashire. we are in surrey KT1 2SB and will be happy to pay towards costs for transport. it's quite urgent as i'm going on friday...but my partner will be here until the 11th. the recieving end is lolly's mum and she is off this weekend and next week, this weekend would be PERFECT if we can organise!
ooh thanks guys, so anyone driving up north from south soon? as of today i no longer have my car! so plan B was for them to go to a foster until transport is arranged but i guess that can't happen now. like i said the best time is this weekend or next week! help is really really appreciated!
Glad you've got sorted, only just seen this and was going to offer to do the north end of the journey!

Posh rabbit taxi sounds good! LOL