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Available Rescue: Danni and Dotty - 2xfemale degus - SURREY

Contact/organisation details: I am fostering for Furry Friends in Old Coulsdon. Please PM me on here or call Emma on 020 8407 1080/0797 356 9371.
Does the animal have rescue back up?: Yes
Location: Caterham/Old Coulsdon SURREY
Number of animals:2
Type/Breed/Variety: Degus
Sex: Female
Age(s): 7 months
Name(s): Danni and Dotty
Neutered: No
Reason for rehoming: Brought by the mother for her autistic son. The son developed an allergy to them so were moved to the sisters room but they were too loud for her.
The mum said the degus were too hyper active and thought they would be cuddly like guinea pigs. She also said that because they were so active it stressed both her and her son out. She was desperate for us to take them.
Medical: Healthy girls.
Will the group be split: No.
Transport available: Within reason, unless you know of people coming this way.
Other: Both are very friendly and not afraid of people at all.

Anyone interested will have researched degus thoroughly as they have very specific needs.

They were handed to us with a cage which can be brought if you do not have a cage already.



