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Lola-Rose, Charlie-Toby and Delilah-Eve♥

Here's My three little tinkers!
Lola-Rose mini lop, 1 year 6months, missing tail, black and white with brown eyes.
Charlie-Toby mini lop cross lionhead, harlequin markings, one blue eye one half blue and brown eye.
Delilah-Eve 4months old, mini lop cross lionhead, missing ear, ginger in colour and dark brown eyes.



Very cute :love:

I'm thinking they all have stories to tell as well ??

each and everyone of them have a story:lol:
Lola came from a home where she was abused and never cleaned out, her siblings were killed by the owner snapping their necks and they were never fed hay as it made the cage "dirty looking". So im very pleased i took her on, shes a little monkey and is always causing trouble but the rules in this house is no telling off or discipline for anything, you could say spoilt but i love them:lol: She has had G.I statis 3 times this year and cost me a fortune at the vets, shes on a big diet shes came down from 2.8kg to 2.3kg, shes been in pick me up magazine and thats life magazine and shes very loving!
Charlie had dental issues when i took him on so i got him fixed at the vets when he went in for his neuter and he had a check up last week and no more spurs:D he needs to be checked every 2 month but he is a good boy for eatting his timmothy hay;) He was just printed in the magazine last week and i got £100 for that:D
Delilah is my little girly shes missing her ear and i wanted her from day 15 whilst in her mother;) she took 34 days to enter the world but on the 6-6-10 she popped out and i loved her, she was missing her ear on day 3 and i was asked which one i would want and delilah was going to be my "perfect" bunny and she fitted the bill (i dont like normal, normals boring :lol: ) so shes cute and a real madame she soon tells you what she wants and what she doesnt! But i love them all and charlie and delilah share my room:oops: and even my bed :lol:
Gorgeous trio!! With lovely names. I gave mine two names aswell - they're just too precious for just one name!! :lol:
What a lovely trio, they sound like they keep you on your toes :D
My Parsley has one & a half ears, so quirky buns rock in this household too.