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    Please keep in mind that posts on this forum are from members of the public sharing personal opinions. It is not a replacement for qualified medical advice from a veterinarian. Many illnesses share similar symptoms but require different treatments. A medical exam is necessary for an accurate diagnosis, without which appropriate treatment cannot be given.

    You should always consult your vet before following any suggestions for medication or treatment you have read about. The wrong treatment could make your rabbit worse or mean your vet is unable to give the correct treatment because of drug interactions. Even non prescription drugs can do harm if given inappropriately.

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New Kit

My daughter has two French Lops - Penny and Floppy, they are about a year old. As they became a bit aggressive towards each other we moved them into a hutch where they lived separately but were on top of each other.

We were in two minds whether to have them spayed or not but after researching the internet and speaking to the vet, we had Penny spayed 3 weeks ago. The vet advised it would be in the best interests of the rabbits and encouraged to have them both spayed.

Due to the cost we decided just to have Penny done for starters. Before the surgery we were told that there was a 1.5% chance of her not coming through the operation.

Since having Penny operated on she has been quite poorly and has been deteriorating daily - virtually not eating or drinking. She has been back to the vet 3 times and we were initially told that she has a bladder infection and were prescribed anti biotics. We were also advised that a general anesthetic can lower a rabbit’s immune system - something which we were not originally told.

After a further visit to the vet last night, they decided her teeth had grown hooks and were sticking into her tongue. They were also concerned that her bladder felt really hard and recommended further surgical intervention today.

After her teeth were cut and an x-ray of her bladder showed nothing conclusive, the vet decided to open her up again. He found that Penny had a large lump Pasteurella in her bladder that had also spread to her intestines and other organs. As there was nothing he could do we made the heartbreaking decision to let Penny stay asleep and have her put down. The vet said he had never seen anything as bad before.

As you can imagine my daughter is devastated, she is 12 and has looked after 'her babbies' every single day since we bought them her last September.

As you can appreciate I wish we had not had Penny spayed. Have any other bunny owners had or heard any similar problems to this?

The vet has advised that Floppy is more than likely a carrier but unless she gets ill there is no real threat to her.

Will Floppy realise Penny is not living below her and get lonely? Will it upset her by moving her back into the original hutch (it’s a two storey one that she used to share with her sister).

I would welcome people’s comments or views on the above.


Hello and welcome.

I am sorry for your loss.

I have heard of and had experience of Pasturella - manifesting in abcesses and respiratory problems - but I'm afraid I have never heard of a "lump" Pasturella.

I am surprised your vet didn't notice any problems during the pre-op check or during the spay.

If your rabbits have been separated for a while I shouldn't think the remaining one will be affected too badly by the loss although I am sure she will know her sister isn't there any more. I would cleanse the hutch thourghly - perhaps with a steam cleaner if available, neutralise any odours with a vinagar solution and open it up for the remaining rabbit to use.

I'm sure other much more knowledgable people will be along to advise you soon.
So sorry for your loss, what a sad story, hope your daughter is managing to cope. I don't have any answers as I've not had any experience with this but just wanted to say I'm sure your other bun will be ok for now on her own, maybe one day if your daughter can face it she can get her a husbun xxx