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help with A bonding(updated postt 4)


Mama Doe
Hi was wondering if anyone can give me some advice with a bond I am doing with one of my fosters and his hopefully future wife

Started at 2 yesterday in a pen I have here well they were some chasing and some fur pulling for a wee while then it was one at one side of the pen and the other at the other side . When tiglet the foster went near to groom Honey she would run away so they were chasing for a few seconds then they would go either side of the pen and ignore each other till this start again. so I gave them 5 hours doing this and moved them into a small indoor cage thinking they woould be near each other more but they are at either side of the cage and if he goes near the same happens . He only wants to groom her .there no fighting just running and chasing . do I put them in a even smaller cage or what ? never had this before.
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I would use one bonding space only and stick with that. It must be NEUTRAL - neither bun been in it before. I personally wouldn't keep changing the space. As long as the bonding space/pen is no more than about 4x4ft this should be fine.
Fur pulling and chasing are all part of normal bonding for some rabbits. Only lock-on fighting should be broken up.
well its 4 foot by 2 foot neither have been in before they have been sitting a hand with apart for the past 2 hours no chasing for ages now just her given the cage a thump with her legs every so often think she wants out hates being locked up she has free range of her house 24/7 has for years
The size of the space you are using is fine, and their behaviour sounds normal, just stick with it and dont move them for at least another 48 hours and see how they go.
thanks they are still sitting either side of the pen not been any thunping for ages he still trys to nudge her and she runs off.......every other bonding I have done the rabbits humped each other had a chase then fell in love . these 2 is like yeah theres another rabbit in the pen with me but I dont care unless they come near me and I will just move out there way

ok its been nearly 48 hours should I let them out the pen and give them freerange and see what happens ?
No fighting for 48 hours? I would give them more space and see what happens- you kind of want them to interact though. If they have too much space they may just stay far away from each other, in which case they are tolerating each other, but not bonding, if you see what I mean.

Ignoring is good though. It sounds like it's going well. You can always go back a step and put them back in the pen if they start chasing.