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Available Rescue: Extremely urgent 9 British Giant x - Malvern RSPCA


Young Bun
Looking for homes or rescues willing to take on - Our Worcestershire area branch had a phone call from a lady wanting to give up 21 rabbits.... One of the RSPCA's rabbit volunteers contacted the lady about gradually getting the rabbits into foster home and rehoming them - when she visited, it became very apparent these rabbits needed out now!! She removed all the smaller rabbits as she has facilities for them these rabbits do not even know how to hop they were kept in such cramped conditions they all needed treating for fleas and have had their claws cut and neutered. We are now down to the large rabbits, 3 are out and at the vets where they are receiving treatment for fleas and being neutered and checked over. These large rabbits are being kept in 3 foot hutches some of them have obviously been fighting and have no ears (its not good and so heart breaking), we cannot find anywhere at this moment in time who has the facilities to take these rabbits on - we need home offers or rescues to take them on - they will all be neutered and treated by the vets for what ever they need before they are released.

Our branch (Stroud) can take 3..... So that leaves 6.... I will detail below the rabbits that need help.

There is one set of 3 girls - these are at the vets one of the girl has an ear bitten off - we think they are approx 2 years old - one is black the others are a browny colour -

There is a set of 4 girls - Mother and her 3 daughters - they are extremely pretty white with patches of brown on them.

2 single males who both have no ears - the lady said she thought the father bite their ears off when small they are grey and white I think....

We do not want any of these rabbits if we can help it go as single rabbits they need another rabbit for confidence and to teach them to be a rabbit again..... These rabbits are crosses but are nearly as big as British Giants.

This is terribly shocking and we are trying to do the best we can as quick as we can, so please only constructive help as everybody involved is a volunteer, I am helping as much as we can as a branch and hopefully others out there can offer there help either for homes or space.

Please pm or email theminnicans@dsl.pipex.com

thank you hope it makes sense..... Gill
Thank you so much everybody for offering help so quickly - please keep it coming and I will try and co - ordinator it all tomorrow with the other branch.....

A. We've never fostered before...

B. My OH is away, and will kill me...

C. Our quarantine hutch is way too small for giants...

... and our lawn run isn't very big either (because our own buns free-range in the day).

How desperate are things now? Did you place them all yet? I'd hate to think we could have helped and didn't.

I've left a message on the answerphone of a local lady I'm aware of who also takes rabbits, and will try her again tomorrow too.

Still desperate if we can sort places out for them all we can get them all out and to the vets for treatment and neutering and into homes, rescues or foster homes by end of week.....
Oh no:cry:.
I havn't got an empty hutch at the moment i'm just trying to sort one out.

I hope they fine loving homes bless them.:(
I'll try

If my OH agrees, and if someone can lend a hutch of suitable size, I guess we could foster one or pair.
How are things going?

Hello, I hope offers are coming in... I hope that by asking on here it'll refresh the thread...