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Is this hutch big enough for short periods of time?

If it's just for a couple of hours have you considered getting him a secure run instead? He'd be able to stretch his legs and you could put a hideaway in it for him to take shelter when necessary.
Afraid the hutch you have shown is tiny and is even too small for guinea pigs to live in.
its far too small, and if you wanted to put him out for some fresh air, you want him to have some fun im sure, and being in that small hutch wont be fun!

I would get a large run instead, and put a shelter inside for him
Don't mind the demensions, it looks like that but the one i am lookign at is 5ftx3ft. But that style.
If it is for the bun to get fresh air I would think a secure run would be better, even if the hutch was 5ft not a lot of space to run around i that is the idea of putting him outside?
Too small :(

He would definatley enjoy a nice secure run with a hidey house in much more. You can get nice wooden ones that fold away so can go in a shed when they're not in use.
I'm sure that is the same hutch my 'visitor rabbit' has (looking after a rabbit and guineapig for a couple of weeks). It isn't big enough for one large hop and the rabbit can't stand up at all. It breaks my heart and I've been making sure the rabbit is out in the enclosure for at least 14 hours a day. I've told this lady twice that her provision for the rabbit isn't sufficientby any stretch of the imagination, as their run is hardly any bigger than this hutch. I'll need to tackle it again when they return to pick it up !