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The soppiest bunny ever


Young Bun
Hi, I had to share this! I got an afternoon off work yesterday, and went home mid-afternoon which is unusual during the week - not normally home till 5pm. Nermal, my 10-month old mini lop, just hangs out in my (bunny-proof) room all day with the door shut, and sleeps under the bed. When I opened my bedroom door he shot out from under the bed and started trying to climb up my leg! I picked him up and he snuggled his face into my neck and fell asleep again.

I like to think he was just really pleased and surprised that someone was home during the day - he stayed like that for ages! It was the cutest thing - even when I put him down he followed me around the house (he only gets out into the rest of the house when I'm in).

I feel quite bad that he's on his own all day, but he's got company all evening and night, so I know he's not really lonely, i think i'm just a bit of a sap!

Is this kind of behaviour more likely in certain breeds? Just wondered as the lady I got him from said that most of her rabbits, who are all mini lops, are pretty confident around people and love attention, and can be easily trained. Just wondered. :)
I've heard that mini lops are the most human loving and it's certainly true with my three, the lops are more trusting and will sit quietly.