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Pellet advice


Warren Veteran
Jose was fed on P@H pellets when we got him from P@H and he's been on these since we got him, that was until a couple of weeks ago when I decided to change him onto Science Selective.

So for the past couple of weeks he's had P@H pellets with SS on top in his bowl. He always ate the P@H ones first, which was quite funny to watch him dive straight into the bowl burying to the bottom to fish them out lol, and then he ate the SS last.

I've now used up all of the P@H pellets, so from this morning he's just having the SS ones. When I filled his bowl up this morning, he starting burying to the bottom as he normally does to find his P@H ones only to find that there weren't any! I think he was a bit disappointed as he then went away from his bowl and didnt really eat many of the SS.

What do you think I should do? Do you think I should go back to giving him just P@H pellets? A mix of both? Or keep him on just the SS ones?
Given that he's eaten the SS in the past (and it's generally respected as the "best" pellet food) I would just leave the SS in the bowl and I'm guessing that later in the day when he's hungry he'll eat it! Obviously, make sure he has plenty of hay and water too x
I haven't had this prob with buns but my piggies were exactly the same when my OH bought the normal nuggetts instead of their fav blackcurrant ones. They pretty much sulked and wouldn't eat them. I just made sure they had plenty of hay to munch on and they did seem to eat a bit more than normal which is probably a good thing anyway. They eventually ate them.
Thanks both :D

He has meadow hay in his litter box and then timothy hay in his hay rack, so he has plenty of that available, I'll keep him on the SS and see how he gets on then, hopefully he'll start eating more hay!
When I tried to change my rabbits off muesli food on to burgess excel, Ebony had no problem with the change. However, Faith was not a happy bunny! I put the bowl of excel down (with no muesli in it) and she foraged around looking for the food she liked, then she moved away from the bowl in disgust! I gave in and put a handful of muesli in. But the next time I tried it she'd obviously had a change of heart cause she delved right in and ate it no problem. They both love their pellets now.

Good luck with the change over!
Tell Jose to be a good boy/girl and eat his SS! :lol: All our buns go mad for SS pellets. As said above, it is the best pellet on the market, so i would still to that ;) He'll soon realise his P@H pellets have long gone :) xXx
:lol: I think he has already! He seems to be eating them fine, just takes him a bit longer than the P@H ones