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Some Pics From Today


Wise Old Thumper
Jo, s'cuse the grubby feet !!

Lady Lydia, she was sound asleep in this position !!


Little three legged Cerys

Zac, having a poo :oops:


Mr Bean-potted again !!

Esther and Michael


Aw bless :love: they're all gorgeous! Lady Lydia looks very comfy methinks! :lol: And I love how Jo is all flopped :love: Beautiful bunnies :)
Aww love all your pics Jane but Lady Lydia is just :love: :love: fancy sleeping in that position!
Also i never knew you had another 3 leg bun, what happened to her? x
Lovely pics Jane :). Can you post a pic of Bobbie, not seen her in a while :love:

Will do :)

Aww love all your pics Jane but Lady Lydia is just :love: :love: fancy sleeping in that position!
Also i never knew you had another 3 leg bun, what happened to her? x

I dont know. She came from Animal Lifeline aged 8 weeks and she only had one front leg. I think her Mum may have eaten the other one :cry: Cerys knows no different though and gets around just fine :)