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odd behaviour after spey!


Warren Scout
Our bun was speyed 5 days ago and she seems quite different in behaviour. She is a house bunny and would always run over to me wen i came in after work, but now she doesnt and she seems a bit jumpy.

Normally of an evening she would spend the eve splayed out on the lounge carpet loving the warm carpet, but now she chooses to hide away under a bed or somewhere....it seems like shes angry with me!

Anyone else has this happen???
It could very easily be she is still in pain. Is she still on pain medication? Is she eating, drinking, pooing, weeing? Has she been back to her vets for a post spay check yet?
Thanks for the quick reply, she is doing everything u listed, she had a check up yesterday and all was ok and shes been plodding around the garden fine too munching on the grass.......how typical is this.....she has just now mooched into the lounge with me, but she doesnt seem 100% as she was b4...she wasnt a naughty bun b4 so its not a case of her calming down....im wondering if she has the humo with me for taking her to the vet and having the op done! sounds mad but thats what it seems like!:roll:
If she isn't in pain and has been fully checked, then she could be in a strop. I had a guy in for a neuter and he was angry at me for a while, but to be honest, I think she is still uncomfortable. I normally give mine pain meds for 5-6 days after their spay, and she would be just in that bracket.