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Is vetbed safe for buns?


Warren Scout
I want to make sure my lionhead is as cosy as possible this winter and was thinking of lining his hutch with vetbed? (Hutch is outside in a sheltered area) He uses a corner litter tray (clever bun had it figured out in 20mins!) so I'm not worried about him dirtying it, just ingesting it? I was also going to cover the hutch with a blanket and then something over the blanket to stop it getting wet? If I do this should it over cover it at night and let the sun in during the day?
I use vetbed, and my bunnies nibble it. They tend not to eat it, rather leave bits of it all over the place, in an attempt to rearrange what I think is a perfectly good bedroom!
They have not come to any harm. Vetbed is good in the fact that it stays dry on the top if wee'd on, and is machine washable. It dries quickly too.
I would suggest having a box in his hutch, full of hay which he can snuggle down into.
I tend to think it is more important to keep the cold winter winds out of the hutch as much as possible, and my hutch meshes are all covered in with a piece of perspex in the winter-so the light can still get in.

Is your bunny neutered? You might like to consider the best way of keeping a bunny warm in the winter.....
By getting him another (neutered) bunny to snuggle up with!
He is going to get neutured after Christmas :) I am hoping to *eventually* get a rescue bun to keep him company, but I'm saving for a giant hutch for that first of all!
My Kiki's got a vetbed - I've left it in there since her spay and it's really good! :) She doesn't nibble it but it's nice and snug x
I think I'll buy him some tomorrow :) I worry about him out there but my mum is loathe to let him live inside :( But as soon as I get my own house he will become a house bun! :) He's my first bun, I think that's why I worry more.
I think I'll buy him some tomorrow :) I worry about him out there but my mum is loathe to let him live inside :( But as soon as I get my own house he will become a house bun! :) He's my first bun, I think that's why I worry more.

In the same situation as me, my mum will never let them inside, no matter what :? - can't wait to move out! x
I love Vet-Bed however i "tested" it with four buns and they destroyed it...:shock:

Best of luck to you! :D
Don't worry too much - don't forget bunnies live outdoors naturally in the wild. They will grow a nice thick fur coat to keep them warm.
Just to cheer you up, here are two of my buns last winter -

Running around and enjoying the snow!!
Don't worry too much - don't forget bunnies live outdoors naturally in the wild. They will grow a nice thick fur coat to keep them warm.
Just to cheer you up, here are two of my buns last winter -

Running around and enjoying the snow!!

Aww thats so sweet. Are you bare foot :shock:

I used vet bed on my buns but dont now. Found as it stays dry on the surface the rabbits discovered there is no need for a litter tray and peed and pood all over :roll: I also found after washing the smell lingers, yet if i used another fabric it didnt? Good for the ratties though :)
I wouldn't recommend vetbed for outdoor buns - it only lies flat on the surface so there's nothing for a bun to burrow all warmly into. I think it would be ok if there was also a nice snuggly area stuffed with hay or straw, but on its own it won't provide enough all round warmth or draught-proofing...it would be a bit like you sleeping on a bit of carpet instead of getting snuggled right down inside a duvet :)

My nethies have a compartment stuffed with straw and there are two little divots right in the middle of it where they snuggle right down all cosy, completely surrounded by nice warm straw.